Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-9-2320-211-200019Figure 1-1. Typical 5-ton truck, cargo.Figure 1-3. Typical 5-ton truck, tractor wrecker.Figure 1-5. Typical 5-ton truck, expansible van with rear lift platformTabulated Data Cooling SystemAxles Chapter 2 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 2-4. Special tools and equipment.Table 2-1, Special Tools, Test ands Support EquipmentSection Ill. LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSSpecific PMCS Procedures - TM-9-2320-211-200033Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-9-2320-211-200034Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued) - TM-9-2320-211-200035Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued). - TM-9-2320-211-200036Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued). - TM-9-2320-211-200037Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued) - TM-9-2320-211-200038Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued) - TM-9-2320-211-200039Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued) - TM-9-2320-211-200040Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued) - TM-9-2320-211-200041Transmission - TM-9-2320-211-200042Electrical WiringSteering System - TM-9-2320-211-200044Compressed air and brake systemDrive pulleys and beltsAlternator and alternator wiringSpace tire carrierRear winch and controlsTable 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-9-2320-211-200050Table 2-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued). - TM-9-2320-211-200051Expandabvle van body (M291)Expansible van with liftgate (M291A1D)Fuel pump and fuel linesPersonnel heater electrical wiringHood, side, and radiator cover Table 2-3. Troubleshooting --- VehicleGASOLINE ENGINE--ContinuedDIESEL AND MULTIFUEL ENGINECLUTCH - TM-9-2320-211-200061PROPELLER SHAFTS--ContinuedBRAKE SYSTEM - TM-9-2320-211-200063SERVICE BRAKES-ContinuedSTEERING SYSTEM--ContinuedPOWER TAKEOFF - TM-9-2320-211-200066BLACKOUT CIRCUITS--ContinuedSection VI. TROUBLESHOOTING THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMSTARTING SYSTEM - TM-9-2320-211-200069LIGHTING SYSTEM - TM-9-2320-211-200070INSTRUMENTS, GAGES AND SENDING UNITS--Continued Figure 2-5 Low voltage circuit testersFigure 2-7 Electrical test equipment adapter setsTester Functions and UseFigure 2-8 Schematic layout of low voltage circuit testersAmmenterFigure 2-8.1 DC voltage test with multimeterFigure 2-8.2. AC voltage test with multimeterFigure 2-8.3. Resistance test with multimeterGeneral Instructions - TM-9-2320-211-200080Figure 2-9. General location of electrical componentsBatteriesGenerator SystemGenerator TestingFigure 2-18. Generating system wiringRegulator TestingFigure 2-21. Regulator amperage control test hookupStarter Circuit Testing--Gasoline EngineFigure 2-24 Starter draw check at batteryFigure 2-26. StarterStarter CircuitStarter Switch Test (Gasoline Model)Figure 2-30. Battery connector cable testFigure 2-33. Instrument cluster--rear viewFigure 2-34. Electrical testing diagramSending UnitsIgnition Circuit Test -- GasolineFigure 2-36. Ignition circuit diagramFigure 2-37. Distributor with cover removedDirectional Signal System - TM-9-2320-211-200100Figure 2-38. Lighting circuit diagramFigure 2-39. Supplementary turn signal wiring diagramFigure 2-39.1. Directional signal system solid state wiring diagramFigure 2-40. Light switch positionsFigure 2-40.1. Directional signal system tests, 1 and 2Test 4. P erform the directional signalFigure 2-40.2. Directional signal system tests 3, 4 and 5Figure 2-40.3. Directional signal system tests, 6 and 7Figure 2-40.4. Directional signal system test 8Electrical System for Expansible Van bodyFigure 2-41.1. Van body 24-volt dc system wiring diagramFigure 2-41.2. Van body 24-volt dc system tests 1, 2, and 3Figure 2-41.3. Van body 120 / 208-volt ac system wiring diagramFigure 2-41.4. Van body 120-volt lighting circuit tests 1 and 2Figure 2-41.5. Van body 120 / 208-volt ac system tests 1 and 2Figure 2-41.6. Van body 120 / 208-volt ac system test 3Figure 2-41.7. Van body blackout relay system wiring diagram.Figure 2-41.8. Van body blackout relay system testsSection VIl. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONTest for Radio InterferenceTable 2-5. Field Expedient RepairsFigure 2-43. Carburetor and manifolds installed to right side of engineFigure 2-44. Top right view of installed engineValve Clearance AdjustmentFigure 2-45. Adjusting valve clearanceFigure 2-48. Removing filter base plate gasketFigure 2-51. Removing crankcase breather bracket and tube assemblyClutch Controls and LinkageSection X. ENGINE MAINTENANCE IN VEHICLE--DIESELFull flow type filterSection Xl. ENGINE MAINTENANCE IN VEHICLE--MULTIFUELFigure 2-62. Replacing oil filter elementFigure 2-64. Removing crankcase breather tube--multifuel modelsVentilation Lines and FittingsRemoval - TM-9-2320-211-200135Choke ControlThrottle ControlFigure 2-68. Antidiesel control--carburetor with integral antidiesel valveAntidiesel Valve (degasser)Fuel FilterFigure 2-71. Lower right rear corner of cabSection XIII. MAINTENANCE OF FUEL SYSTEM--DIESEL AND MULTIFUELFigure 2-75. Removing rubber connectors and air cleaner tubeFigure 2-78. Removing air tubeFigure 2-81. Removing shutoff valve--diesel onlyFuel Filters--Multifuel ModelsFigure 2-86. Fuel filter--exploded view--multifuel engine LDS 465-1Figure 2-87. Accelerator and throttle linkage--diesel and multifuelFuel TankFuel Transfer Pump--MultifuelFuel Filters--Diesel ModelsFigure 2-97. Secondary fuel filter--diesel modelsFigure 2-101. Removing spark plug housingManifold Heater Wiring Harness--Diesel ModelsFigure 2-103. Removing manifold heater wiring harness--multifuel modelsFigure 2-105. Disconnecting fuel lines at pumpManifold Heater Ignition UnitFigure 2-111. Removing manifold heater fuel filter - multifuel modelsSection XIV. MAINTENANCE OF EXHAUST SYSTEM--GASOLINE ENGINESection XV. MAINTENANCE OF EXHAUST SYSTEM--DIESEL AND MULTIFUELRear Exhaust PipeFigure 2-122. Vertical exhaust stack--multifuel models--exploded viewFigure 2-122.1. Vertical Exhaust Stack--Diesel ModelsSection XVI. MAINTENANCE OF COOLING SYSTEMFigure 2-125. Radiator mountingFigure 2-128. Adjusting drive beltsFigure 2-130. Removing fan and generator drive beltsThermostatsWater Pump -- Gasoline EngineWater Pump-Diesel EngineSection XVI. IGNITION SYSTEM--GASOLINE ENGINEDistributor AssemblyFigure 2-144. Ignition system--gasoline engineFigure 2-146. Distributor assembly with cover attachedFigure 2-149. Distributor with cover removedSection XVIII. MAINTENANCE OF STARTING SYSTEM - GASOLINESection XIX. MAINTENANCE OF STARTING SYSTEM DIESEL AND MULTIFUELSection XX. GENERATING SYSTEMSection XXI. BATTERIES AND LIGHTING SYSTEMHeadlightsFigure 2-155. Removing headlight retaining ring and sealed-beam lamp unitFigure 2-156. Adjusting headlightFigure 2-158. Removing parking and blackout marker lampFigure 2-160. Removing blackout driving light sealed-beam lamp unitSection XXIII. INSTRUMENTAL CLUSTER, SWITCHES, CIRCUITBREAKERS, SENDING UNITS, HORN AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNAL CONTROLS Figure 2-161. Locations of instruments and controls Instrument ClusterOil Pressure GageLight SwitchAir Pressure Gage Sending UnitFigure 2-163. Removing tachometer drive adapterTurn Signal SwitchFigure 2-165. Directional signal control--removal and installationSection XXIV. MAINTENANCE OF TRANSMISSIONSection XXVI. MAINTENANCE OF PROPELLER SHAFTS, UNIVERSAL JOINTS AND CENTER BEARINGFigure 2-170. Yoke-mounted universal jointFigure 2-172. Disassembly of universal joint Propeller Shaft (with Flange-Mounted Universal Joints)Steering Knuckle BootSection XXVIII. MAINTENANCE OF REAR AXLESection XXIX. MAINTENANCE OF BRAKE SYSTEMService Brake Pedal and LinkageFigure 2-180. Checking clearance between brakeshoe and drumMaster CylinderFigure 2-183. Brake master cylinder with pedal linkage attatchedAir Hydraulic Cylinder (Power Brake Unit)Brake Wheel CylindersHydraulic Lines and Brake HosesHandbrake ShoesSection XXX. MAINTENANCE OF COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMFigure 2-189. Trailer brake coupling installed at front of VehicleFigure 2-191.1. Air compressor air strainer MS53005-1Figure 2-192. Air compressor (air cooled)--gasoline modelsFigure 2-195. Air compressor--multifuel modelsFigure 2-196.1. Air compressor governor MS53006-1Air ReservoirsTrailer Brake CouplingsFigure 2-200. Hub assembly--cutaway viewTire (with Bolted-on Side Ring) and Tube AssemblyFigure 2-202. Removing outer bearing adjusting nutSection XXXII. MAINTENANCE OF STEERING SYSTEMPower Steering System Bleeding procedureFigure 2-202.1. Steering Piping Installation, Modification Kit, P / N 11680896Figure 2-203. Front wheel alinementTie RodFigure 2-205. Steering gear unitLower Drag LinkSteering Knuckle ArmFigure 2-210. Removing hydraulic oil reservoir--multifuel modelsLifting shackle AssemblySpare Wheel CarrierSection XXXIV. MAINTENANCE OF SPRINGS AND SHOCK ABSORBERFigure 2-216. Left front spring and shock absorberRear SpringsShock AbsorbersSection XXXV. MAINTENANCE OF BODY, CAB, AND HOODFigure 2-219. Cab with tarpaulin removedFigure 2-219.1. Driver's seat--removalCompanion Seat ReplacementTroop SeatsSection XXXVI. MAINTENANCE OF DUMP BODY - M51, M51A1, M51A2Figure 2-223. Removing control valve assemblyTroop Seat Accessory KitFigure 2-226. Installing sealFigure 2-227. Stowing seatsBow StowageTarpaulin Cover, Curtain, and Safety StrapSection XXXVII. MAINTENANCE OF EXPANSIBLE VANBODY -- M291A1, M291A1C, M291A1D M291A2, M291A2C AND M291A2DFigure 2-230. Van in operating position--rear viewFigure 2-231. Van in body in retracted position--front interior viewFigure 2-232. Van electrical controlsFigure 2-233. Hinged roof-operated blackout switchFigure 2-234. Ceiling fixtures and lightsSide Panel Counterbalance CablesLadder Locking ClampSide Panel Front Locks and Hinged LocksFigure 2-238. Door locks and windowsDoor HingeHeater Fuel PumpFigure 2-241. Bonnet front door in opened positionOutside Power Connector CableOutside Telephone Jack PostsFigure 2-244. Fluorescent ceiling light fixtureBlackout SwitchesFigure 2-245. 110-volt receptacle and blackout switchFloodlight Lamp UnitFloodlight SwitchFigure 2-248. Removing or installing wiring harness--wrecker modelsElectric Brake Lock SwitchSection XXXIX. MAINTENANCE OF WRECKER CRANE M543 AND M543A1Figure 2-252. Relief valve adjustmentFigure 252.1. Hydraulic system jilter-partially exploded viewOverride SwitchSlipring BrushFigure 2-257. Hoist cable replacementHoist Cable Sheaves and GuardPropeller ShaftFigure 2-261.1. Two-section shaft replacement Boom and Shipper Cable RollerFigure 2-263. Boom roller assembly replacementFigure 2-265. Front winch and propeller shaft--bottom viewPropeller Shaft AssemblySection XLI. MAINTENANCE OF REAR WINCH ASSEMBLYFigure 2-269. Rear winch--top view of right endFigure 2-271. Using crane to remove rear winch assemblyFigure 2-272. Rear end of M62 with floor plate raised--left side viewRear Propeller ShaftLevel WindRear View MirrorSection XLIII. MAINTENANCE OF NONELECTRICAL GAGES AND MEASURINMG DEVICESTachometerTachograph ChartsFigure 2-276. Tachograph chart divisionsFigure 2-277. Diagram scalesFigure 2-279. Traveling and stationary timesFigure 2-281. Engine rpm recordingFigure 2-282. Good drivingFigure 2-284. Speed and rpm diagramFigure 2-288. Wrong gearLowered speedFigure 2-295. Interrupted recordingsFigure 2-299. Speed recordingsCHAPTER 3 MATERIEL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MAJOR ITEMFigure 3-2. Heater unit-side viewFigure 3-3. Removing lines and fittings--gasoline heaterSection IV. POWER PLANT HEATER KIT--MULTIFUEL MODELSSection VI. DECONTAMINATION APPARATUSAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-9-2320-211-200313REFERENCES - TM-9-2320-211-200314APPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-2320-211-200315Column Entries Used in Tool and Test Equipments RequirementsSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-2320-211-200317Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200318Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200319Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200320Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200321Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200322Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200323Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200324Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200325Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200326Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200327Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200328Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200329Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200330Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200331Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200332Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200333Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTSSection III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200336Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200337Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200338Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200339Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200340Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200341Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200342Section III. TOOLS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS cont'd - TM-9-2320-211-200343Section IV. REMARKS - TM-9-2320-211-200344TM-9-2320-211-20 Truck Chassis: 5-Ton 6x6 M39 M39A2 M40 M40A1 M40A2 M40A1C M40A2C M61 M61A1 M61A1 M61A2 M63 M63A1 Manual