TM 9-2320-211-20
to the resistor side of the coil. The voltage should be
(3) Place the voltage selector in the 50-volt
5 to 8 volts. If not the resistor is defective or the
position and ground the negative (--) lead.
jumper on the points is not grounded.
(4) Replace the ground cable on the battery.
(7) Remove the jumper from the points and
The meter should read battery voltage.
insert insulating material between the points, or
(5) If voltage is present, remove the ground
insure that they are fully open.
cable and connect the No. 10 wire to the switch.
(8) Connect the positive (+) lead of the meter
(6) If no voltage is present, go to the generator
to the point side of the coil. The voltage should read
regulator and disconnect the battery side of the
battery voltage. If no voltage is shown, the coil or
t h e condenser is defective o r t h e p o i n t s a r e
(7) Connect the voltmeter lead to the A pin of
the disconnected plug on the harness.
(8) With the battery ground strap connected
and the negative (--) lead of the meter connected to
ground, the battery voltage should show on the
(9) If voltage is present, take a small jumper
lead and connect it from pin A on the harness to pin
C. (Make checks a, b, c,and dabove and below.) If
voltage is now present, replace the regulator (para
2-132). If no
voltage is
present, check the wiring for
(1) With the voltage selector on the 50-volt
scale, ground the meter to the side of distributor.
(2) Connect the positive (+) lead to the
(3) Turn on ignition switch.
s h o u l d r e a d l o w voltage o r battery voltage,
depending on the distributor point position.
(5) If the points are open the voltmeter should
read battery voltage.
( 6 ) If the points are closed, the voltmeter
2-33. Ignition Unit and Spark Plug Test--
should be on zero or have a maximum voltage of
Diesel and Multifuel
three-tenths of a volt.
(7) If the voltmeter reads battery voltage, but
Do not attempt to test the ignition unit by
will not drop when the points close, the points are
jumping the spark from the end of the lead
defective. Remove and replace the points or the
to ground. High voltage will destroy the
contact spring in the terminal end.
( 8 ) If the voltmeter will not read battery
Connect the spark plug and the spark plug lead to
v o l t a g e when the points are open, distributor
the ignition unit. Ground the spark plug shell to
components are defective. Remove and replace the
provide a complete electrical circuit. Apply 14.30
d i s t r i b u t o r or check it in accordance with the
volts dc to the ignition A pin. The B pin is
following procedure.
grounded. If the ignition unit is in good working
order, and the spark plug does not fire correctly,
(1) R e m o v e t h e d i s t r i b u t o r c a p w i t h t h e
replace the spark plug and repeat the test. If it still
ignition switch off.
does not fire correctly, replace the spark plug and
(2) Ground the negative (--) lead of the meter
repeat the test. If it still does not fire correctly,
to the case selector in the 50-volt position.
r e p l a c e the ignition lead and repeat the test
(3) Use a short jumper lead, and connect it
procedure. If it still does not fire properly, replace
across the points.
the ignition unit.
(4) Turn on the ignition switch.
2-34. Lighting Circuit
(5) Connect the positive (+) lead of the meter
to the top of the resistor. The voltage reading
In addition to general test procedures given
should be 24 volts. If not the primary circuit or
feed-through capacitor is defective.
troubleshooting, including turn signals (fig.
(6) Connect the positive (+) lead of the meter