C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
(a) Clean gasket s u r f a c e s on compressor
(c) Remove air compressor drive belt.
mounting bracket and air compressor crankcase, and
(d) Remove capscrew and clip holding the fuel
install new gasket on mounting bracket.
return-to-fuel injector pump overflow valve tube to air
(b) Position air compressor on mounting bracket,
compressor. Install capscrew on air compressor tube inlet
mounting bracket studs. Place compressor drive belt on
securing air compressor assembly to the air compressor
(c) Position air compressor-to-governor line at
inlet at top rear of air compressor cylinder head, and
(f) Remove air compressor assembly, and discard
tighten connection.
(d) Position air compressor-to-air reservoir line at
outlet at top rear air compressor cylinder head, and
tighten connector.
(e) Position water inlet and outlet lines at the
fittings on front of air compressor cylinder head, and
tighten connectors.
(f) On vehicles equipped with an air cleaner-to-air
compressor intake hose, slide hose on intake sleeve at
underside of air strainer, and tighten clamp screw.
(3) Air compressor -- multifuel engine.
(a) Using a new gasket, position air compressor to
the support assembly, and secure it with four nuts and
(b) Remove capscrew from air compressor tube
inlet. Position the fuel return-to-fuel injector pump
overflow valve tube to the air compressor, and secure it
(c) Install air compressor drive belt.
Servicing the air governor consists of cleaning
and oiling the lamb's wool (or nylon) pad
inside the governor air strainer.
strainer body, and pull the cup strainer, cylinder strainer,
and lamb's wool (or nylon) from the strainer body.
(2) Wash cup, strainer, cylinder strainer, and lamb's
wool in drycleaning solvent or mineral spirits paint
e. Installation.
(1) Air compressor (air cooled) -- gasoline engine.
(a) Clean gasket s u r f a c e s on compressor
On models with a nylon pad air strainer, clean
pad with soap and water.
crankcase, and install new gasket on mounting bracket.
(3) Saturate the lamb's wool (or nylon) pad with
(b) Position air compressor on mounting bracket,
engine oil, squeeze out excess oil, and place pad in the
cylinder strainer.
on the mounting bracket studs.
(4) Insert cylinder strainer and cup strainer in
(c) Place compressor drive belt on pulley. Tighten
strainer body, and install capnut.
mounting nuts on studs.
b. Removal.
(d) Position air compressor-to-air reservoir and
(1) Unscrew connector securing air reservoir-to-
the air compressor-to-governor lines at the cylinder head,
governor line and governor-to-horn line to the lower
fitting at left side of air governor, and remove lines.
(2) Air compressor (liquid cooled) -- gasoline