TM 9-2320-211-20
(4) Position the instrument cluster on the
b. Installation (fig. 2-33).
front of the instrument panel, and install the four
(1) Position t h e h e a d l i g h t h i g h - b e a m i n -
panel lockscrews; one at each corner of the in-
dicator light on the back side of the instrument
strument mounting plate.
c. Lamp Replacement. The procedure for
at the front side of the cluster.
replacing the panel light lamp is same as for the
(2) Connect the bayonet type connector on the
h e a d l i g h t beam indicator light lamp. Refer to
light cable to the connector at the clip on the left
(viewing back side of cluster) side of the instrument
mounting plate.
2-150. Speedometer and Flexible
(3) Position the instrument cluster on the
front of the instrument panel, and install the four
and installation procedures.
panel lockscrews; one at each corner of the in-
2-151. Tachometer and Flexible Shaft
strument mounting plate.
c. Lamp Replacement.
and installation procedures.
(1) Remove the headlight high-beam in-
dicator light ( a above).
2-152. Tachograph--M52A1 and M52A2
(2) Press t h e b o d y a n d c o v e r assembly
together, t u r n the body counterclockwise, and
and installation procedures.
separate the body and the cover.
(3) Remove the bayonet-base lamp from the
a. Removal. The procedure for removing the
socket. Discard the lamp.
temperature gage is the same as for removing the
(4) Install the new bayonet-base lamp in the
b. Installation. The procedure for installing the
(5) Install the light body in the cover, press
temperature gage is the same as the air pressure
the body and the cover together, and turn the body
clockwise to engage the body retaining pins in the
cover slots.
(6) Install the headlight high-beam indicator
a. Removal.
light ( b above).
(1) Disconnect the battery ground cable (para
(2) Remove the screw from the front of the
a. Removal. The procedure for removing the oil
pressure gage is the same as for the air pressure
lever from the switch shaft.
b. Installation. The procedure for installing the
(3) Remove the hexagon nut and tooth type
lockwasher from the switch body at the front of the
oil pressure gage is the same as for the air pressure
instrument panel, and remove the switch from the
back of the panel.
(4) Disconnect the bayonet type connectors
on the switch cables, and remove the switch from
(1) Remove the four panel lockscrews
the vehicle.
securing the instrument cluster to the instrument
b. Installation.
panel, and pull the cluster away from the panel.
(1) Connect the bayonet type connectors on
(2) Disconnect the bayonet type connector at
the switch cables to the battery, gage, and coil
cable, and to the circuit breaker connectors. Note
that the three terminal cables from the switch are
from the front side of the instrument cluster, and
numbered with circuit marker sleeves, and make
remove the left and right panel lights from the back
connections as shown below:
side of the instrument cluster.
(1) Position one panel light on the back of the
instrument cluster, and install two screws and lock-
washers at the front side of the cluster.
Temperature gage
Oil Pressure gage
(2) Repeat (1) above for the other panel light.
Fuel Gage
(3) Connect the bayonet type connector on the
Ignition coil
light cables to the connector at the clip secured to