TM 9-2320-211-20
f, Directional
Malfunction: Flashes erratically, no flash, or very slow flash.
Tests 6 and 7).
Circuit: A, B, C.
Test 7. Perform the flasher operational
Circuit: A, B, C.
t e s t . Disconnect the cable connector from the
(1) Test 6. P e r f o r m t h e f l a s h e r u n i t c o n -
flasher. Connect a source of positive 24 volts to
tinuity test. Set up the multimeter for continuity
terminal B of the flasher socket. (If voltage is
inadvertently reversed to the flasher, it will not
from the flasher unit. Remove the cable connector
operate. However, the flasher will not be harmed,
from the control unit. Measure continuity between
due to a built-in reversal protection.) Connect an
M S 3 5 4 7 8 - 1 6 8 3 lamp between contact A and C.
not have continuity, inspect it and make necessary
repairs. If all three wires show continuity perform
test 7). The flasher should flash at the rate of 60 to
the flasher operational test.
120 flashes per minute at a regular rate without
skipping. If it does not flash, or flashes irregularly,
It may be necessary to remove the flasher
from the vehicle to make test 7 and 8.