C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
unloader valves; it should be 0.010 to 0.015-inch. If
clearance is not within these limits, adjust valves as
described in (c) below. If clearance is correct, proceed as
in (d) below.
of vehicle.
a. Air Leakage Tests. Excessive leakage at
components or at connections in the compressed air
system can be detected by the soupsuds method. With
compressed air system fully charged, coat outside of
components and connections with soapsuds to check for
leakage. A 3-inch bubble formed in three seconds is the
maximum leakage permissible. If excessive leakage is
compressor unloader.
found, tighten the connection or replace the component.
b. Adjust (all models).
(1) Unloader Valve Clearance Adjustment.
screws, turn screws until a 0.12-inch clearance is
from compressor cylinder head. Remove cover gasket
obtained, and tighten locknuts.
from cylinder head and discard it.
head, and install unloader-valve cover.