TM 9-2320-211-20
b. Left Rear Door Lock.
(1) R e m o v a l .
a. Removal. Remove the three screws holding
(a) Drive out the pin which attaches the
the striker plate to the door or body, and remove
lock handle to the lock mechanism, and remove the
the striker plate.
lock handle.
b. Installation. Attach the striker plate to the
(b) Remove the cotter pins which attach the
door or body with two panhead screws through the
vertical bars to the lock mechanism.
flange and one flathead tapping screw through the
(c) Remove the four screws which attach
striker plate. Grind the flathead screw flush with
the lock mechanism to the door, and remove the
the striker plate.
(2) Installation
(a) Aline the holes in the lock mechanism
and door, and attach the mechanism with four
a. Removal.
panhead tapping screws.
(1) Remove the bolt, lockwasher, and nut
(b) Secure the vertical bars to the lock
attaching the shaft bracket to the mounting angle.
mechanism with cotter pins.
Remove the locknut from the spring shaft, and
(c) Insert the shank of the lock handle into
remove the shaft bracket and short spring.
the hole in the lock mechanism with the pin holes
( 2 ) Swing the door back until the slider
separates from the spring shaft. Remove the long
the lock
(d) Secure
mechanism with a dowel pin.