TM 9-2320-211-20
(c) Secure the switch front panel to the
(b) Disconnect the heater power lead.
housing with the two screws. Tighten the screws.
(c) Remove the two screws and nuts at-
taching the control box and plate to the instrument
3-12. Electric Fuel Pump--Multifuel
a . Maintenance. Turn the electric fuel pump
The powerplant heater control box is at-
l o w e r cover clockwise and remove it, the fuel
tached to a panel bracket.
strainer screen, and the lower cover gasket. Wash
(d) Remove the control box and plate as an
the screen in drycleaning solvent or mineral spirits
paint thinner. Replace the cover, using a new
(2) Installation.
gasket and the old screen. Lock the cover in place
(a) Position the plate and control box as an
by turning it counterclockwise.
assembly to the instrument panel, and secure it to
b. Removal.
the panel with the two screws and nuts.
(1) Remove the four screws and nuts which
(b) Connect the power lead.
fasten the pump shield to the tool compartment
(c) Also connect the heater-to-control box
inner wall (mounted on left running board).
harness at the receptacle.
( 2 ) Twist and connect the shielded cable;
c. Heater Control Box Switch.
remove the two screws and nuts attaching the pump
(1) R e m o v a l .
to the compartment wall.
(a) Remove the two screws holding the
c. Installation.
front panel to the housing.
(1) Secure the pump to the compartment wall
(b) Tag the switch leads before discon-
with the two nuts and screws. Connect the shielded
necting them.
(c) Unscrew the switch retaining nut (at the
(2) Secure the pump shield to the tool
toggle). Remove the switch.
compartment inner wall with the four screws and
(2) Installation.
(a) Secure the switch mechanism with the
retaining nut. Tighten the nut.
(b) Connect the leads to the correct con-
necting points.
The powerplant heater is a fuel burning unit with a
standby heating, as well as prestart heating.
maximum heat output of 24,000 B.t.u. / hr. The
heater exhaust accounts for 8,000 B.t.u. / hr of
heater output. The heater is mounted on the side of
the vehicle in the battery box compartment. The
p r o c e d u r e s when removing and installing the
batteries and battery box are relocated to the crew
personnel heater kit.
compartment. The batteries and battery box are
r e l o c a t e d to the crew compartment under the
companion seat. The heater heats the coolant in the
engine to the operating temperature during standby
3-16. Heater Control Box Assembly
periods. Exhaust gases from the heater burner pass
through tubing to an oil pan shroud and escape
and installation procedures.
between the edges of the shroud and the oil pan,
a. Removal.
The primer pump, which is mounted on the lower
(1) Disconnect the fuel lines from the primer
right side of the instrument panel, boosts the fuel
supply to the intake manifold when starting the
(2) Unscrew the outer locknut, and remove
engine during cold weather.