C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
(e) Place the connector in a vise and turn the nut
(1) Loosen the locknut on the control rod.
slowly with a wrench while turning the tube by hand until
(2) Pull outward on the adjusting yoke pin at the
the sleeve grips the tube and the tube can no longer be
lower end of the control rod, and separate the adjusting
revolved by hand.
yoke from the throw out release lever.
(f) Turn the nut one and one-half additional turns to
secure the grip of the sleeve on the tube.
(3) Fittings-flare type.
Pin does not completely come out of yoke.
(a) Install the nut on the tubing with the threaded
end toward the tube end.
(3) Turn the adjusting yoke on the control rod as
(b) Flare the tubing end with a flaring tool.
necessary to obtain the correct pedal free travel. To
increase free travel, turn the yoke counterclockwise. To
decrease free travel, turn the yoke clockwise.
Make sure flare is even all around.
(4) Position the yoke on the clutch release lever, and
install the yoke pin.
(c) Insert the
flared end into the
recessed part of the
nut for good seating.
(5) Unhook the lower end of the clutch pedal return
d. Installation.
spring from the bracket on the outside of the frame left
side rail.
(6) Depress the clutch pedal and judge pedal free
travel as described in a above.
Do not over tighten nuts. This will damage
If 2 to 2 inches of clutch pedal free travel
(1) Remove the protective cover from the line port
cannot be obtained, measure from the center
of the clevis pin hole to the end of the clutch
(2) Clean the line thoroughly using a drycleaning
control rod which screws into the adjusting
solvent or mineral spirits.
yoke. If the length of rod is shorter than 7.125
(3) Dry with compressed air.
to 7.375 inches, replace the rod with one of the
correct length.
If dry compressed air is not available, place
the line on a clean surface and allow the line to
dry out for at least five minutes.
(4) Remove the cover from any connectors. Wipe
connectors with a clean, lint-free cloth that has been
dampened with a solvent or mineral spirits.
(5) Lubricate threads with hydraulic fluid.
(6) Aline tube ends in connectors. Turn the nuts
finger tight.
(7) Hold the connector with a wrench while
tightening the tube nut with another wrench.
a. General. The clutch pedal must have a movement of
at least 2 to 2 inches before the clutch begins to
disengage. This movement is called free travel. Whenever
natural wear on the clutch facing causes the free travel to
be less than 2 to 2 inches, the clutch must be adjusted (b
below). A properly adjusted clutch will take hold
(engage) gradually, not slip, and will release instantly
(7) If free travel is still incorrect, repeat (2), (3), (4),
when the clutch pedal is depressed.
and (5) above until the correct free travel is obtained.
(8) Tighten the locknut on the contol rod.
(9) Hook the lower end of the clutch pedal return
On M62, M543, and M543A2 models, prior
spring to the bracket on the outside of the frame left side
to making the pedal linkage adjustment
described in b below, turn the rotochamber
(10) Adjust the rotochamber as follows:
linkage adjustment screw in to prevent
(a) Loosen the locknut on the adjusting
contact with the inner lever