b. Cleaning.
(1) Wash all parts in cleaning solvent.
(2) Install seal ring on front filter element cap.
(2) Using compressed air, direct air stream from
(3) Aline slot in rear filter element cap with
inside filter element toward outside.
indicator arm shaft in rear cover and install filter element
in cover.
(3) Blow off outside of filter element, and again
(4) Install O-ring seal on rear cover.
direct air stream from inside of element toward outside.
(5) Position filter element and rear cover in filter
(4) Using compressed air, air dry all other parts.
housing with indicator toward boom. Quickly push filter
c. Installation.
element and rear cover fully into housing. Hold rear
cover and filter element in housing until retaining screws
Check all parts for excessive wear or damage
are installed.
and replace as required.
(6) Secure rear cover to housing with four screws.
(1) Position front and rear filter element caps on
(7) Check oil level in reservoir and add oil if
filter element and secure with three screws.