TM 9-2320-211-20
(4) 36-inch auxiliary power cable. T h e 3 6 -
differs from the one on the far end of the 100-foot
power cable ((3) above). When in use, the auxiliary
c o n s t r u c t i o n to that of the 100-foot power cable
power cable is plugged into the far end of the 100-
except that only one end is fitted with a receptacle
foot power cable and the four wires on the auxiliary
to accommodate the van power entrance receptacle.
cable are used to make appropriate connections to
The opposite end is separated into four individual
t h e outside power source. The auxiliary power
wires which are used to make connections to an
cable is stowed on the left equipment anchor rail
o u t s i d e power s o u r c e w h o s e o u t p u t c o n n e c t o r
attached to the ceiling of the van body.
Figure 2-231.
Van in
body in
retracted position--front interior view.
(5) Main power switch. T h e m a i n p o w e r
n o fuses or circuit breakers, and is used when
electrical repairs are made to the van wiring system,
power to the van body electrical system. It contains
or as an emergency switch.