TM 9-2320-211-20
(3) Install the control wire housing on the
of the fuel pump-to-carburetor line (16, fig. 2-43)
fabricated bracket and secure it with washer, screw,
from the elbow at the front of the carburetor, and
and nut.
remove the line.
( 4 ) Connect the control wire to the valve
(b) Attach a bleeder hose to the upper end
of the fuel pump-to-carburetor line, and support the
outlet of the bleeder hose at, or slightly higher than,
2-71. Antidiesel Valve
carburetor level.
(c) While holding a container under the
bleeder hose outlet, start the engine. Operate the
This paragraph covers removal and in-
engine for 45 seconds after the fuel starts to flow
stallation of the antidiesel (degassing) valve
into the container, then stop the engine.
(intake manifold type) installed on some
(d) Measure the quantity of fuel pumped
models by rescinded MWO ORD-W23.
into the container during tbe test period.
L a t e r model vehicles have this d e v i c e
(e) If the fuel capacity is satisfactory (at
incorporated in the carburetor.
least 1 pint in 45 seconds of operation), proceed as
a. Removal.
in (f) below; otherwise replace the fuel pump.
(1) Lift the spring off of the valve handle and
(f) Remove the bleeder hose from the upper
remove it from the hole in the body.
end of the fuel pump-to-carburetor line, position the
(2) Remove the control wire from the valve
line at the elbow at the front of the carburetor, and
tighten the connector.
(3) Unscrew the valve from the threaded plug
b. Removal
hole in the intake manifold.
(1) Unscrew the connector at the lower end of
the fuel pump-to-carburetor line, and remove the
If the valve is not to be replaced; e.g., when
line from the outlet side of the fuel pump.
a later model carburetor-with-valve is being
(2) Unscrew the nut at the junction of the fuel
installed; be sure to replace the pipe plug.
b. Installation.
(1) Screw the valve into threaded plug hole
and disconnect the lines.
intake manifold.
(3) Unscrew the connector on the front end of
( 2 ) Install the control wire on the valve
the fuel pump-to-flywheel housing vent line from
the elbow at the lower left side of the fuel pump,
(3) Place the spring on the valve handle and
and remove the line.
insert it into the hole in the body.
(4) Support the fuel pump and remove the
sockethead screw and hexhead nut securing the fuel
a. Testing. The condition of the fuel pump can
be determined by two tests, both of which are
(5) Remove the fuel pump from the mounting
performed while the unit is installed on the engine
stud, and remove and discard the mounting gasket.
( 6 ) U n s c r e w t h e f u e l p u m p - t o - f u e l filter
((1) and (2) below).
flexible line from the elbow at the inlet side (rear) of
(1) Pressure test.
the fuel pump.
(a) Unscrew the connector at the lower end
c. Installation.
and remove the line from the outlet side of the fuel
(1) Screw the threaded end of the fuel pump-
to-fuel filter flexible line in the elbow at the inlet
side (rear) of the fuel pump.
(b) Install the pressure gage at the outlet
side of the fuel pump.
(2) Place a new fuel pump mounting gasket
on the stud at the rear lower left side of the crank-
(c) Start the engine and set the throttle at
case, position the fuel pump on the stud, and install
900 rpm. Observe the fuel pump pressure indicated
by the gage. If the pressure indicated by the gage is
the socket-head screw in front of the fuel pump
within specified limits (4 to 5 psi), proceed as in (e)
mounting hole. Install the hexagon-head nut on the
and (f) below; otherwise, replace the fuel pump.
fuel pump mounting stud, and tighten the nut and
socket-head screw.
(d) Stop the engine.
(3) Position the front end of the fuel pump-to-
(e) Remove the pressure gage from the
outlet side of the fuel pump, position the fuel pump-
flywheel housing vent line at the elbow on the lower
left side of the fuel pump, and tighten the con-
to-carburetor line at the pump outlet, and tighten
the connector.
(f) perform the capacity test ( (2) below).
flexible line to the fuel pump-to-fuel filter rigid line,
(2) Capacity test.
and tighten the connector.
(a) Unscrew the connector at the upper end