C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
(7) Remove the cable assembly from the truck.
cable from the lever.
b. Installation.
(5) Remove the locknut from the front end of the
the bracket integral with the transfer rear output shaft
When replacing the handbrake cable at the
bearing cover.
cab, the clamp must be installed in the first
(6) Remove the shoe anchor bolt from the bore at
groove from the end of the cable conduit.
the lower end of the outer shoe.
When installing the cable at the transfer end,
the cable must be positioned in the second
and remove the shoe and lever assembly from the
groove from the end of the cable conduit.
When installing the cable on M52, M52A1,
(8) Remove the C washer from the front end of the
and M52A2 models, the following items are
n o t required: T W O c l a m p s , p l a t e , a n d
and outer shoes from the pins.
attaching plate parts.
(1) Position the handbrake lever assembly on the
top and the cable clamp bracket (with cable clamped in
place) on the underside of the cab floor. Install five screws
and nuts through the lever assembly and cab floor, clamp
the bracket, and tighten it.
(2) Install the two nuts and studs at the left end of
the operator's seat to secure the hand brake lever
assembly to the seat, and tighten the nuts.
(3) Position the cable clevis on the lower end of the
handbrake lever link, insert the clevis pin in the holes in
the clevis and link, and install a cotter pin in the clevis pin.
(4) Insert the free end of the cable in the hole at the
upper end of the brakeshoe lever, and install the adjusting
nut and locknut on the end of the cable.
(5) Position the cable on the cable clamp bracket at
the rear of the transfer case.
lever assembly.
Make sure that the cable clamp spacer is in
place on the bracket under the cable.
b. Installation.
(1) Position the inner and outer brakeshoes (fig. 2-
(6) Position the cable anchor clamp over the cable,
187) on the brakeshoe lever pins, and install the C washer
insert the two capscrews and tighten them.
at the front end of both pins.
(7) Place the closed clip on the cable, and position
(2) Position the shoe and lever assembly on the
the clip and cable on the clip extension at the left end of
the rear cab cross tension at the end of the rear cab
bore at the lower end of the outer shoe, screw the bolt
(8) Insert the capscrew in the holes in the clip and
through the bracket integral with the transfer rear output
extension, install the safety nut on the capscrew, and
shaft bearing cover, and loosely install the locknut on the
tighten it.
anchor bolt.
(4) Screw the anchor bolt into the bracket until a
slight bind is felt when operating the brakeshoe lever,
then back off the bolt one-half turn, and tighten the
a. Removal.
(1) Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from
(5) Insert the end of the handbrake cable in the hole
in the upper end of the brakeshoe lever, and install the
(2) Unhook the brakeshoe retracting spring from
adjusting nut and locknut on the end of the cable.
the outer end of the shoe stop screw.
(6) Hook the end of the brakeshoe retracting spring
(3) Unhook the brakeshoe lever retracting spring
over the outer end of the shoe stop screw.
from the upper end of the brakeshoe lever, and remove
(7) Hook the end of the brakeshoe lever retracting
the cable from the lever.
spring in the eye at the upper end of the brakeshoe lever.
(4) Remove the locknut and adjusting nut from the
end of the cable at the brakeshoe lever, and remove the
(9) Remove the wheel blocks.