C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
line with top of steering knuckle. Close zipper and apply a
(1) Soak the ventilation valves in a drycleaning
liberal amount of sealer cement to zipper locks and
solvent or in mineral spirits paint thinner.
fabric. Allow cement to set for 3 to 5 minutes.
(2) Thoroughly brush the valves with a stiff bristle
(2) Force inner clamp lip of boot into groove on
brush. Insure that passages are clean, and that the valve
axle housing. Install inner clamp with screw and nut
caps move freely.
positioning 1 or 2 inches from zipper. Tighten clamp and
(3) If necessary, use a soft metal rod to remove
make sure lip on boot is well seated in axle groove (fig. 2-
(4) Use compressed air to dry out the valves.
(3) Lace zipper locks with fine wire (3 laces) near
(5) Lubricate the valves sparingly with clean engine
edge of boot and cut off excess zipper at least 1/4 inch
oil (OE).
c. Instullation. Secure the breather valve by turning it
from zipper lockwire. Apply sealer cement over exposed
zipper and fabric.
clockwise and tightening it in place.
(4) Position outer edge of boot on steering knuckle.
Install boot retaining plate and secure with 12 screws.
2-183.1. Steering Knuckle Boot.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove four screws and washers securing boot
(5) Install boot guard and secure with four
guard to steering knuckle.
(2) Remove locking wire from 12 screws securing
boot retaining plate to steering knuckle and slide plate
installation-inner retaining clamp.
installation--outer retaining plate.
2-183.2. Repair of Steering Knuckle Boot. Torn or
(3) Pull boot away from steering knuckle to expose
punctured boots may be repaired by application of a cold
inner clamp screw. Remove and discard inner clamp
patch. If, after inspection determines that punctured or
slightly torn boot is otherwise in good condition,
b. Installation. When installing inner clamp, use new
u n c l a m p and clean thoroughly. Rough up with
screw. Bend screw to prevent loosening.
sandpaper and apply cement. Proceed as with a tube
(1) Place boot on axle housing with fabric side of
patch. Information on patching rubber may be found in
zipper facing steering knuckle. Be sure TOP on boot is in
TM 9-2610-200-20.