TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Unhook the upper end of the clutch pedal
(6) Hook the upper end of the clutch pedal
return spring (fig. 2-182) from the clip bolted to the
return spring to the clip at the lower end of the
lower end of the clutch pedal lever.
clutch pedal lever.
( 7 ) Hook the upper end of the brake pedal
from the lower end of the clutch pedal lever, and
return spring to the lower end of the brake pedal
remove the lever clip and key from the lever shaft.
(4) Remove the other cotter pin from the end
of the master cylinder push rod at the lower end of
and remove the control rod from the control rod
t h e brake pedal lever, install the yoke pin, and
install the cotter pin to the end of the yoke pin.
(3) Remove the nut aud screw from the upper
(9) Insert the brake pedal stem in the hole in
the top side of the floor board, install the rubber
remove the brake pedal stem from the lever.
bumper on the stem, and insert the stem in the hole
(6) Remove the rubber bumper from the
at the upper end of the brake pedal lever.
stem, and remove the brake pedal from the top side
(10) Install the capscrew and nut at the upper
of the floor board.
end of the pedal lever, and tighten it.
(7) Remove the nut and screw from the
(11) Lubricate the brake pedal lever and lever
control rod lever, and remove the lever and key
from the lever shaft.
( 1 2 ) Check the brake pedal free travel and
(8) Remove the cotter pin from the end of the
(13) Check the clutch pedal free travel and
remove the push rod yoke from the lower end of the
brake pedal lever.
(9) Unhook the upper end of the brake pedal
a. Maintenance.
return spring from the lower end of the brake pedal
A l l lines and cylinders involved in the
( 1 0 ) Remove the nut and capscrew (fig. 2-
hydraulic fluid system must be filled solidly
182) from the upper right side of the support
f o r 100 percent efficiency. Air sometimes
bracket, and remove the lever shaft tube with the
does get into the system due to loose
shaft and bushings from tbe brake pedal lever and
connections, faulty seals, or replacement of
s u p p o r t bracket.
one of the components. When this occurs,
c. I n s t a l l a t i o n .
bleeding is required.
(1) B l e e d i n g .
at the support bracket, and install the lever shaft
tube with the shaft and bushings in the bore of the
U s e nonpetroleum base hydraulic brake
bracket and lever.
fluid. The use of petroleum base oil renders
the brakes inoperative.
Make sure that the groove in the lever shaft
(a) To bleed the master cylinder, clean the
tube is alined with the screw hole in the
bleeder valve and place the bleeder tube over the
upper right side of the support bracket to
end of the valve.
permit insertion of the capscrew.
(b) Place the other end of the tube in a glass
( 2 ) Aline the hole in the upper end of the
jar or bottle so that the end is submerged in the
support bracket brace (fig. 2-182) with the screw
hydraulic brake fluid.
hole in the upper right side of the support bracket,
(c) Unscrew the bleeder valve three-fourths
and install the screw in the holes in the brace and
o f a turn and depress the brake pedal slowly,
bracket. Install the nut on the screw, and tighten it.
checking the fluid flowing from the end of the
(3) Install the clutch control rod lever and key
bleeder tube for air bubbles. Hold the pedal in the
on the shaft, and secure it with the capscrew and
depressed position.
(d) Tighten the bleeder valve, and slowly
(4) Position the control rod on the lower end
release the brake pedal.
of the controll rod lever, install the yoke pin, and
install the cotter pin in the end of the yoke pin.
Make sure that the master cylinder is kept
filled with brake fluid during the bleeding
a n d k e y o n t h e s h a f t . Position the return spring
operation. Do not use fluid removed during
bracket clip at the lower end of the lever, install the
t h e bleeding operation to fill the master
c a p s c r e w in the holes in the lever and clip, a n d
install the nut on the capscrew. Tighten the nut on
(e) R e p e a t (c) a n d (d) above until all air
the capscrew.