TM 9-2320-211-20
connector from the control unit. Touch the red test
(2) Test 4. P e r f o r m t h e d i r e c t i o n a l s i g n a l
lead to a socket in the cable connector to
control unit voltage feed test. Set up the multimeter
correspond with the defective circuit. The meter
needle should not deflect (infinite reading). If there
cable connector from the directional signal control
unit. Set the main light switch to the STOPLIGHT
is any deflection, the wiring harness has a short
position. Measure the voltage from the vehicle
circuit, or a high-resistance leakage. Inspect the
frame to terminal G of the cable connector on the
harness for frayed or pinched cables, and make
repairs. If infinity i s indicated on the meter,
needle should indicate 24 volts. If the reading is less
connect a jumper wire from the vehicle frame to the
or none, remove the cable connector from the light
cable connector at the lights as shown in figure 2-
switch and perform the continuity test. If con-
40.2, test three (3). Touch the red test lead to the
tinuity is satisfactory, the light switch is defective
appropriate socket terminal in the cable connector
at the control unit. The meter needle should deflect
c o n t a c t G of the directional control unit cable
fully showing zero ohms. If the needle deflects less
connector and the system still does not operate,
than full deflection, inspect the wiring harness for
perform the flasher continuity test.
breaks, frayed wires, corroded connections; etc.,
( 3 ) T e s t 5 . P e r f o r m t h e w i r i n g harness
and make necessary repairs. When all lamp and
wiring harnesses have continuity restored, and the
system still does not operate, perform the flasher
contact G on the control unit end, and contact J at
and control unit tests.
Malfunction: No lights operate with directional signal control
lever in any position. Circuit: 460, 461.