TM 9-2320-211-20
assembly to mounting bracket bolted to shipper
a. Removal.
(3) Remove floodlight assembly from
(1) Remove the floodlight lamp unit (para 2-
mounting bracket.
b. Installation.
( 2 ) Disconnect the two bayonet type con-
(1) Insert floodlight mounting bracket stud
nectors securing the flood light cables to the rear of
through hole in mounting bracket bolted to shipper
the floodlight.
( 3 ) R e m o v e t h e t w o s c r e w s securing the
(2) Install a plain washer and two hexagon
contact bracket and switch assembly to the inside of
nuts on the stud.
the floodlight body. Remove the bracket and switch
(3) Connect the two floodlight cable bayonet
assembly (with cables) from the body.
type connectors to the connectors at rear of
(4) Pull the switch cable plug type terminal
from the contact bracket socket.
(5) Disconnect the switch cable bayonet type
connector from the lamp unit cable connector.
a. Plug and Receptacle Type Connectors.
securing the switch assembly to the contact bracket,
(1) R e m o v a l . U n s c r e w
and remove the switch assembly from the bracket.
retaining nut, and pull the plug from the receptacle.
b. Installation.
Disconnect the cable at both ends, remove the cable
(1) Position the floodlight switch assembly on
f r o m the clamps (or clamp) securing it to the
the contact bracket, and secure it with two screws
vehicle, and remove the cable.
(2) I n s t a l l a t i o n . P o s i t i o n t h e c a b l e ( o r
(2) Insert the switch cable plug type terminal
harness), and secure it to the vehicle with clamps
in the contact bracket socket.
(or clamp). Install the plugs in the receptacle, and
(3) Connect the switch cable bayonet type
tighten the connector retaining nuts.
connector to the lamp unit cable connector.
(4) Position the contact bracket and switch
Before installing the connector plugs,
assembly in the floodlight body, and secure the
i n s u r e that the rubber sealing gaskets
bracket to the body with two screws.
and / or rings are in place. Also insure that
(5) Connect the two floodlight cable bayonet
the locating key and keyway are alined
type connectors to the connector at the rear of the
before attempting to insert the plug. Do not
force the plug. If the key and keyway are
(6) Install the floodlight lamp unit (para 2-
properly alined, the plug pins will enter the
receptacle sockets without having to be
forced. Do not twist or knik the cable.
b. Bayonet Type Connectors.
(1) R e m o v a l . Rotate one of the connector
a. Removal.
halves counterclockwise. Pull the connector apart.
(1) Disconnect the two bayonet type con-
(2) Installation. Refer to note in a (2) a b o v e .
nectors securing the floodlight cables to the rear of
Position the cable and secure it to the vehicle with
the floodlight.
clamps (or clamp). Insert the small bell in the end
(2) Remove two hexagon nuts and plain
of the large bell. Rotate one of the bells clockwise to
washers securing f l o o d l i g h t mounting bracket
lock the bells together.