TM 9-2320-211-20
b. Installation.
(1) Secure the center pipe to the frame with the
a. Removal. Unscrew the three nuts. Remove the
nuts securing the brackets.
to the center pipe. Remove the rear pipe.
b. Installation. Secure the rear pipe to the center
a similar procedure.
similar procedure to complete the installation of the
a. Removal.
center pipe.
same procedure.
same procedure.
The key numbers noted in parenthesis are
(3) Remove the two nuts and bolts securing
a . Removal (fig. 2 - 1 2 2 ) .
(1) L o o s e n the coupling (11) securing the
exhaust pipe. Remove the adapter (12), and the
adapter gasket (13).
(2) Remove the four nuts (16) securing the
two saddles (10), two U bolts (8), and screen shield
(9). Remove the saddles, U bolts, and shield.
(3) Remove the two nuts (18) securing the
saddle (5) and U bolt (7). Remove the saddle, U
b o l t , and exhaust pipe assembly. If necessary,
separate the pipe extension (6) from the pipe (14).
(4) If necessary, remove the nuts (15) and
screws (19) securing the mounting support bracket
assembly. Remove the assembly.
(5) If required, remove the nut (2), spring (3),
and screw (1) to separate the exhaust mounting
(4) Remove the two nuts and bolts securing
bracket (4) from the support bracket (17).
the rear center pipe bracket. Remove the center
b. Installation.
(1) Reverse steps (5) and (4) above to install
the support mounting bracket assembly.
(2) Secure the exhaust pipe and its gasket
(13) to the adapter (12) with the coupling (11).
(3) Secure the exhaust pipe with the shield
(9), two U bolts (8), two saddles (10), and four
nuts (16). Tighten the nuts.
(4) Secure the upper pipe extension (6) with
an additional U bolt (7) and saddle (5). Secure the
U bolt and saddle with two nuts (18). Tighten the