TM 9-2320-211-20
d. Horn. The waterproof horn assembly (fig. 2-
162) is an electrically controlled air-operated unit.
a . R e m o v a l (fig. 2 - 3 3 ) .
(1) Remove the
completes the circuit to the horn solenoid.
securing the instrument cluster to the instrument
panel, and pull the cluster away from the panel.
(2) Disconnect the two bayonet type electrical
connectors, and remove the cables from the back of
the air pressure gage.
(3) Remove the two nuts and lockwashers
from the gage mounting studs. Remove the
mounting bracket from the studs, and remove the
air pressure gage from the front of the installment
b . I n s t a l l a t i o n (fig. 2 - 3 3 ) .
(1) Insert the air pressure gage in the opening
in front of the instrument cluster. Install the
mounting bracket on the gage studs at the back of
and nuts on the studs. Tighten the nuts.
( 2 ) Connect the bayonet type connectors on
the two gage cables to the back of the gage.
(3) Position the instrument cluster on the
front of the instrument panel, and install the four
p a n e l lockscrews, o n e at each corner of the in-
strument mounting plate.
2-145. Ammeter or
Charge Indicator
a . Removal. P r o c e d u r e f o r r e m o v i n g t h e a m -
(1) R e m o v e t h e f o u r p a n e l l o c k s c r e w s
meter is the same as for the air pressure gage. Refer
securing the panel, and pull the cluster away from
the panel.
( 2 ) Disconnect the bayonet type connectors
I f the vehicle is equipped with a charge
s e c u r i n g the gage-to-circuit breaker cable to the
i n d i c a t o r instead of an ammeter, the in-
g a g e s and lights at the back of the instrument
dicator will only have one electrical con-
(3) Unscrew the nut securing the speedometer
b. Installation. The procedure for installing the
flexible shaft to the speedometer, and pull the shaft
ammeter is the same as for the air pressure gage.
end from the speedometer.
unscrew the nut securing the tachometer flexible
shaft to the tachometer. Pull the shaft end from the
a. R e m o v a l . T h e p r o c e d u r e f o r r e m o v i n g t h e
t a c h o m e t e r , and remove the instrument cluster
fuel gage is the same as for the air pressure gage.
from the vehicles.
b . I n s t a l l a t i o n (fig. 2 - 3 3 ) .
b. Installation. The procedure for installing the
(1) Position the instrument cluster at the
fuel gage is the same as for the air pressure gage.
opening in the instrument panel, insert the end of
the tachometer flexible shaft in the tachometer, and
2-147. Headlight High-Beam Indicator Light
tighten the connector nut.
(2) Insert the end of the speedometer flexible
(1) Remove the
shaft in the speedometer, and tighten the connector
securing the instrument cluster to the instrument
panel, and pull the cluster away from the panel.
( 3 ) Connect the bayonet type connectors on
(2) Disconnect the bayonet type connector at
the gage and light cables to gages and lights at the
the clip on the left (viewing back side of cluster)
back of the instrument cluster.
side of the instrument mounting plate.
(4) Position the insrument cluster on the
front of the instrument panel, and install the four
from the front side of the instrument cluster.
panel lockscrews, o n e at each corner of the in-
Remove the indicator light from the back side of
strument mounting plates.
the cluster.