TM 9-2320-211-20
2-179. Propeller Shaft (with Yoke-Mounted
b. Disassembly.
Universal Joints)
(1) Position the propeller shaft assembly in a
a. Removal.
(2) Remove the universal joint assembly (one
(1) Bend the two locking plates down, and
from each end of shaft) by bending the locking
remove the four capscrews (two screws to each
plate) securing the universal joints to the driven
screws (6) securing the two locking plates.
(3) With the propeller shaft assembly (fig. 2-
(2) Remove the locking plates, and separate
171) still secured in the vise, remove the dust cap
the propeller shaft assembly (including universal
from the yoke, and slip the cap onto the propeller
shaft splines.
( 3 ) Repeat steps (1) and (2) above at the
other end of the propeller shaft assembly, and
remove the shaft assembly from the vehicle.
(5) Slide dust cap off propeller shaft, and
remove three washers.
(6) To disassemble u n i v e r s a l j o i n t s , r e m o v e
dust shields (3) from cross journal shafts (5).
(7) If necessary remove lubrication fitting (4)
from cross journal.