TM 9-2320-211-20
Probable Cause
a. Improve wheel alinement.
37 Excessive or uneven tire wear.
does not correct the deficiency,
n o t i f y supporting maintenance
b. Improper braking.
c. Improper tire inflation
38 Binding in front axle shafts.
Replace worn parts (para 2-182).
a. Excessively worn universal joints.
b. Spacer washer not installed in the
Check the end plug of the shaft by
moving the shaft in and out of the
axle shaft.
housing. Install a spacer if
movement is over 1 / 16 inches.
39 Does not hold parked vehicle.
a. Loose brake linkage
b. Brake lining worn
c. Grease on lining
Replace brakeshoes and correct the
40 Brake drags and overheats.
a. Vehicle operated with brake
Check the hand brake lever for a full-
partially applied.
release position.
b. Handbrake improperly adjusted.
Adjust turn cap on top of brake lever
(para 2-196).
c. Brake drum out-of-round
d. Weak brakeshoe retractor spring.
a. Brake linings worn
41 Insufficient brakes
replace brakeshoe assembly (para
b. Low air pressure (below 80 psi)
Repair or replace leaking fittings or
due to leaks in system.
c. Air in hydraulic brake system
2-191, and 2-192).
(spongy brake pedal).
d. Defective brake air-over hydraulic
Replace brake air hydraulic cylinder
42 Dragging brakes
a. Restricted brake lines
Remove and clean brake lines (para
Ltlbricate anchor pin
b. Brakeshoe sticking to anchor pin.
c. Shoes adjusted too close to drum.
Replace wheel cylinder as required
d. Sticking wheel cylinder piston or
master cylinder.
Replace brake air hydraulic cylinder
e. Defective brake air hydraulic
Adjust brake travel to "-" (para
f. Insufficient pedal free travel.
Build up air pressure above 80 psi by
43 Brakes do not apply
a. No air pressure in brake system.
operating engine at fast idle.
I n s p e c t brake lines; tighten all
b. Restricted or broken tubing or
brake line.
connections or replace lines as
Replace brakeshoe assembly (para 2-
44 Brakes grab
a. Grease or grit on brake lining.
Lubricate anchor pins
b. Brake linkage binding
Tighten or replace U bolts (para 2-
c. Spring U bolts loose or broken.
d. Brake drum out-of-round scored,
or cracked.
e. Loose lining on brakeshoe.
45 One brake grabs
a. Improper brake adjustment.
b. W e a k o r b r o k e n b r a k e s h o e
retractor spring.
Lubricate the anchor pin
c. Brakeshoe binding on anchor pin.
out of adjustment.
*Refer to footnote at end of table