C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
Remove and discard compressor-to-mounting bracket
flange screws.
gasoline models.
pulley adjusting flange counterclockwise until air
(2) Air compressor (Iiquid cooled -- gasoline
(a) On vellicies equipped with an aircleaner-to-air
compressor intake hose, loosen clamp screw at underside
of air strainer, and remove hose from strainer intake.
(b) Unscrew connectors securing water inlet and
outlet lines to fittings at front of air compressor cylinder
head, and remove lines from fittings.
(c) Unscrew connector securing air compressor-
to-air reservoir line to top rear of air compressor cylinder
head, and remove line from head.
(d) Unscrew connector securing air compressor-
to-governor line to top rear of air compressor cylinder
head, and remove line from head.
from studs securing air compressor mounting bracket at
lower right side of engine crankcase, and remove
compressor drive belt from pulley. Lift compressor, and
discard compressor-to-mounting bracket gasket.
(3) Air compressor -- multifuel engine.
(a) Loosen the two air compressor pulley
pulley adjusting flange.