TM 9-2320-211-20
lock cover plate to the panel, and remove the cover
b. Installation.
plate. Remove the insulating material.
(1) Remove the turnbuckle and turnbuckle
(2) Remove the two screws attaching the lock
eye from the replacement cable.
(2) Thread the turnbuckle end of the cable
bolt retainer to the edge of the door frame.
(3) Remove the cotter pins from the clevis
downward through the guides.
pins, remove the clevis pins, and separate the
(3) Screw the turnbuckle onto the turnbuckle
clevises from the lock.
eye remaining in the floor bracket, and screw the
(4) Remove the self-locking nut and washer
turn buckle end of the cable into the turnbuckle.
securing the lock handle shank in the lock.
(4) Aline the holes in the end of the folding
arm with the holes in the corner post. Place the
which attach the lock to the van body, and remove
roller in the channel of the folding arm with the
the lock.
cable behind the roller. Insert the roller pin through
the arm and roller. Secure the roller pin with a
cotter pin.
( 5 ) Position the upper roller in the roller
mounting plate on the corner post with the cable in
the roller groove. Insert the roller pin through the
roller and corner post, and secure the pin with a
cotter pin.
(6) Pull the cable clevis down over the end of
the vertical drop arm, and aline the holes in the
clevis and arm. Insert the pin through the holes,
and secure the pin with a cotter pin.
(7) Tighten the turnbuckle until the cable is
remove the six screws attaching the cover plate to
the rear door, and remove the cover plate. Working
outside the van, remove the four nuts and lock-
washers attaching the locking clamp to the rear
door, and remove the locking clamp.
b. Installation. Position the locking clamp on the
outside of the rear door, and insert four roundhead
screws through the holes in the clamp yoke and
door. Attach the clamp to the door with four lock-
washers and four hexagon nuts. Install the cover
plate with four panhead screws.
2-249. Roof-to-Side Panel Toggle Clamps
The roof-to-side panel toggle clamps can be
r e p l a c e d only when the van is in the
retracted position.
a. Removal. Release the clamp. Remove the four
screws which attach the yoke base to the niche in
the hinged roof section, and remove the clamp.
b. Installation. Position the yoke base in the
niche with the eyebolt toward the anchor post, and
attach the base to the niche with four self-tapping
screws. Engage the hook eye with the anchor post,
and close the clamp.
(Fig. 2-236 and 2-237.)
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the eight screws attaching the