TM 9-2320-211-20
shaft and universal joint assembly,
similar procedures to complete disassembly of the
propeller shaft and universal joint assembly.
(6) (two screws to each plate). Bend the plates into
c. Repair.
(2) Perform step (1) above to install the other
end of the shaft and the joint assembly to the other
similar procedures.
driven yoke. Tighten the screws at both end to
(2) Inspect the adapter flanges for stripped
threads, cracks, and a bent condition. If damaged
completely secure the propeller shaft and joint
assembly to the vehicle.
in any way, replace the adapter.
d. Assembly.
(3) Lubricate the shaft and joint assembly in
accordance with LO 9-2320-211-12.
similar procedures to complete the assembly of the
2-180. Propeller Shaft (with Flange-Mounted
universal joints and the propeller shaft.
Universal Joints)
(2) Secure the adapter flange to the propeller
a. Removal.
shaft and universal joint assembly with two locking
(1) Remove the eight nuts and bolts securing
the propeller shaft adapter flange to the driven
(3) Repeat step (2) above at the other end of
(2) Repeat step (1) above at the other end of
the propeller shaft and universal joint assembly.
the propeller shaft assembly, and remove the shaft
e. Installation.
assembly from the vehicle.
Always install propeller shafts so that the
slip is at the power input end of the shaft
(1) Secure the propeller shaft adapter flange
(2) Repeat step (1) above at the other end of
the propeller shaft assembly. Tighten the nuts at
both flange ends of the shaft.
(3) Lubricate the shaft and joint assembly in
accordance with LO 9-2320-211-12.
2-181. Propeller Shaft Center Bearing
a. Removal.
(2) Remove the four nuts and bolts securing
the center bearing to the frame cross member.
(3) Remove the center bearing from the
b. Disassembly.
b. Installation.
(1) Position the center bearing to the frame
Remove the plates and the adapter flange.
cross member with four bolts and nuts.
(2) Repeat step (1) above to remove the
adapter flange at the other- end of the propeller
breathervalve has been thoroughly cleaned
so that foreign matter will not enter the axle
T h e front axle assembly is a hypoid, double-
assembly when removing the ventilation
reduction, single-speed type. It is secured to the
underside of the front springs.
a. Removal. Remove the air breather valve by
turning it counterclockwise.
b. Cleaning.
Insure that the area surrounding the