TM 9-2320-211-20
the brush guard. Drive out the hinge pins, and
b. Installation.
remove the brush guards.
(1) Place the long spring on the spring shaft,
b. Installation. Position the brush guards, and
and replace the slider on the spring shaft.
aline the hinges. Insert the hinge pins, and engage
(2) Place the short spring on the spring shaft.
Place the shaft bracket on the spring shaft, and
the latches to secure the brush guards.
secure the bracket with a self-locking nut.
(3) Attach the shaft bracket to the mounting
angle with a bolt, lockwasher, and nut.
a. Removal. R e m o v e t h e c r o s s - p o i n t h e a d
screw, and remove the regulator.
b. Installation. Install the regulator so that the
handle is in a downward vertical position when the
a. Removal.
(1) Open the door, remove the two screws
window is closed. Secure one cross-point oval-head
machine screw.
attaching the door check arm bracket to the door,
and remove the bracket.
( 2 ) Remove the screws attaching the door
hinge to the van body, and remove the door.
a. Removal. Remove 18 screws, and remove the
(3) Lift the rubber door seal to reveal the
window glass seal retainer. Remove the window
screws attaching the hinge to the door. Remove the
glass and seal. Separate the seal from the window
screws, take off the hinge seal and seal retainers.
b. Installation.
b . Installation. I n s t a l l t h e s e a l a r o u n d t h e
(1) Position the flat rubber seal against the
window glass, and position the glass and seal in the
back of the hinge, and place the hinge against the
w i n d o w frame. Position the seal retainer, and
door with the edge of the hinge leaf flush with the
secure it with 18 roundhead tapping screws.
edge of the seal.
(2) Position the hinge and seal on the door.
(3) Position the half-round rubber seal along
a. R e m o v a l . R e m o v e 1 8 s c r e w s a r o u n d t h e
the front of the hinge, and place the aluminum
blackout panel guide frame, and remove the
retainer over the flap of the half-round seal.
blackout panel.
(4) Aline the holes in the retainer, hinge leaf,
b. Installation. Aline the holes in the blackout
and door; and attach the retainer and the hinge to
panel side frame and van body side panel. Attach
the door with panhead sheet metal screws.
the guide frame with 18 panhead tapping screws.
(5) Position the door and hinge against the
door post with the flap-rubber seal flush with the
edge of the hinge leaf.
a. Drive Shaft Locking Ratchets (Fig. 2-.230).
(6) Aline the holes in the hinge leaf with the
(1) R e m o v a l .
holes in the door post, and secure the retainer, seals,
(a) Drive out the taper pin which attaches
and hinge with panhead sheet metal screws.
the ratchet to the drive shaft.
(b) Tap the ratchet free from the shaft, and
remove the ratchet.
(2) Installation.
a. Removal. Remove the nuts and bolts
(a) Position the ratchet on the drive shaft
securing the seal retainer to the panel, and remove
with teeth facing toward the pawl and with the
the retainer and seal.
taper pin holes alined.
b. Installation. Position the retainer over the
(b) Secure the ratchet to the drive shaft
seal flap. Aline the holes in the retainer with the
with the taper pin.
holes in the panel. Attach the retainer and seal with
bolts and hexagon nuts.
(1) R e m o v a l .
(a) R e m o v e t h e s p e c i a l s h o u l d e r s c r e w
attaching the locking pawl to the underframe rear
a. Removal. Remove the plastic cord retainer
from the edge of the screen and remove the screen.
(b) Disengage the locking plunger from the
b. Installation. Position the screen in the frame,
pawl, and remove the pawl.
and force the plastic cord retainer into the space
(2) Installation.
between the screen and the frame.
(a) Engage the slot in the pawl with the
locking plunger. Aline the screw holes.
(b) Secure the pawl to t h e c r o s s m e m b e r
with the special shoulder screw.
a. Removal. Release the latches at the bottom of