TM 9 - 2 3 2 0 - 2 1 1 - 2 0
and the muffler mating flanges, and secure the
The M52 and M246 vehicles should have a
tailpipe with three bolts and nuts.
flame and spark arrestor muffler installed
(3) Using a new extension-to-tailpipe gasket,
to prevent fire when hauling flammable or
secure the extension flanged end to the tailpipe with
explosive c a r g o . T h e m u f f l e r c a n b e
three bolts and nuts.
identified by a cleanout plug located in the
front lower portion of the muffler housing.
a. Removal.
Any vehicle that does not have a flame and
(1) Remove the four nuts and bolts securing
spark arrestor muffler should be tagged
the muffler front flanged end to the exhaust pipe.
(2) Remove the three nuts and bolts securing
(3) Unscrew the two nuts and bolts securing
The exhaust system consists of an exhaust pipe,
muffler. Spread the clamps apart and remove the
muffler, and tail pipe extension assembly. A sealing
ring is installed between the exhaust pipe and the
b. Installation.
manifold to prevent gas leakage. The entire exhaust
(1) Place a new gasket on the exhaust pipe
system is supported by clamps and brackets at-
flange. Position the muffler front flange end to the
tached to the frame right side rail.
exhaust pipe with four bolts and nuts.
(2) Using a new gasket, secure the muffler to
(3) Spread the muffler support clamp apart,
a. Removal.
and slip it around the muffler, securing it with two
(1) Separate the tailpipe extension from the
tailpipe by removing the three nuts and bolts from
the mating flanges. Remove the extension. Discard
the extension-to-tailpipe gasket.
a. Removal.
(2) Remove the three nuts and bolts securing
(1) Remove the four nuts and bolts securing
the tailpipe to the muffler.
the exhaust pipe to the muffler. Discard the gasket.
(3) Remove the nut and bolt from the tailpipe
(2) Remove the two nuts and bolts securing
clamp, spread the clamp, and remove the tailpipe
the exhaust pipe clamp to the exhaust pipe. Discard
from the vehicle.
the gasket.
(3) Loosen the four nuts on the mounting studs
at the exhaust manifold. Turn the pipe mounting
flange until the larger holes aline with the washers
under the mounting nuts.
(4) Slide the exhaust pipe flange over the
m o u n t i n g nuts and washers, a n d r e m o v e t h e
exhaust pipe. Discard the sealing ring.
b. Installation.
(1) Place a new sealing ring into position on
the exhaust pipe front flanged end.
(2) Slip the exhaust pipe front end over the
four nuts and washers onto the mounting studs.
Rotate the exhaust pipe flange until the smaller
holes aline with washers. Tighten the nuts securing
the pipe to the manifold.
(3) Using a new gasket, position the exhaust
b. Installation.
pipe to the muffler and secure it with four bolts and
(1) Position the tailpipe to the vehicle, install
the tailpipe clamp, and secure it with a nut and
(4) Position the exhaust pipe clamp to the
exhaust pipe, and secure it with two nuts and bolts.
(2) Place a new gasket between the tailpipe