TM 9-2320-211-20
and uncooled air drawn from outside the van, and
attachment to the ground spike connector at the
cooled and uncooled air drawn from inside the van.
rear of the van body. Handles are provided on the
ground spike so it may easily be pushed into the
varied. A perforated air conditioning duct (fig. 2-
earth. The spike is stowed in the jack storage box
231), located on the van ceiling, conducts cooled or
uncooled air to the van interior.
d . Heating System. The van
heating system
two fuel-burning, 60,000 B.t.u
noncontaminating, hot air heaters operating on
a. Removal.
1 1 0 - v o l t ac, 60-cycle, single-phase power. The
(1) Place the van side panel in its fully ex-
heaters are located in the van bonnet on either side
p a n d e d position (TM 9-2320-211-10).
(2) Secure the end panel doors in their open
permit circulation of both heated and unheated
fresh air drawn from outside the van, mixed with
(3) Support the hinged roof with swivel hooks
heated and unheated air drawn from inside the van.
end swivel hook and the hinged roof to release the
varied. Hot air ducts in the van front wall conduct
tension on the counterbalance cable.
heated air from the heaters into the van interior
( 4 ) Remove the cotter pin, clevis pin, and
clevis which attaches the cable to the vertical drop
front panel when the registers are open. When the
arm, and remove the clevis from the arm.
registers are closed, the heated air is conducted
(5) Remove the cotter pins and roller pins
through corrugated ducts beneath the aluminum
which attach the upper and lower rollers to the
floor tread plate, which functions as a radiator.
c o r n e r post, and remove the upper and lower
This function extends to the hinged floor sections so
rollers. Removal of the lower roller will release
t h a t the heat-radiating surface of the floor is
lower folding arm.
available when the van is in both its expanded and
( 6 ) Unscrew the lower cable end from
its retracted positions.
turn buckle, then unscrew the turnbuckle from
e. Air Conditioning System. The van air con-
turn buckle eye.
d i t i o n i n g system is located in the van bonnet.
(7) Withdraw the cable upward through
Control facilities permit circulation of both cooled
guides, and remove the cable.
Figure 2-235. Side panel counterbalance cables--disassembled view.