C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
b. Installation. Position the seat cushion on the seat
b. Installation.
frame and fasten the hinges with the two bolts and safety
(1) Place the operator's seat back cushion on the
nuts. Slide the backrest cushion over the back frame so
frame. and slide it down into position.
the frame enters the upper portion of the cushion cover.
(2) Position the operator's seat and secure it to the
frame with two bolts and nuts.
2-239.3. Driver's Seat
(3) Position the companion seat back cushion, and
secure it to the frame with two pins. Secure the pins with
two cotter pins.
securing seat base to cab floor and remove seat assembly
(4) Position the companion seat cushion, and secure
from cab.
it with the straight pin to the link and frame. Secure the
pin with a cotter pin.
cab. Holes in seat base must be alined with holes in cab
floor. Secure seat to cab floor with four screws and
2-239.1. Driver's Seat Replacement (Bench
a. Removal. Lift up the driver's seat cushion, and
remove the four safety nuts and eight washers holding the
Release the seat adjuster locking handle and remove the
2-239.4. Seat Cushion Replacement (Floating
washers securing cushion m o u n t i n g brackets to
underside of seat cushion. Remove seat cushion from seat
b. Installation. Position the driver's seat on the base
and engage the adjuster locking handle. Lift up the seat
cushion and fasten the seat frame to the base with the two
frame. Position cushion mounting brackets on seat frame
plain washers and safety nut on each of the four studs.
pins and secure brackets to seat cushion with four screws
and washers.
2-239.2. Driver's Seat and Backrest Cushion
Replacement (Bench Type).
a. Removal. Slide the backrest cushion up and off the
frame. Remove the two nuts and bolts holding the seat
cushion hinges to the seat frame hinges (fig. 2-219.2), and
remove the cushion.
and installation.