TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Install the front and rear U-bolts over the
reservoir with the ends inserted in the holes in the
a. Removal.
bracket, and install the two nuts on each U-bolt.
(1) Open the drain cock on the underside of
Tighten the nuts.
pressure in the compressed air system.
using same procedures as in (1) and (2).
(2) After the compressed air has been
exhausted from the system, unscrew the connector
(4) Position the reservoir-to-right-rear trailer
securing the air compressor-to-air reservoir line (fig.
2-170) to the front end of
the lower reservoir, and
upper reservoir, and tighten the connector.
remove the line from the reservoir.
(5) Position the upper-to-lower-reservoir line
(3) Unscrew the connector securing the air
upper reservoir, and tighten the connector.
(6) Position the upper-to-lower-reserve line
reservoir, and remove the tee from the reservoir.
at the outlet on the rear end of the lower reservoir,
(4) Unscrew the connector securing the upper-
and tighten the connector.
the lower reservoir, and remove the line from the
outlet on the front end of the upper reservoir, and
tighten the connector.
lower reservoir, and tighten the connector.
(9) Close the drain cock on the underside of
the lower air reservoir.
a. Removal.
(1) Open the drain cock on the underside of
the lower air reservoir (16. fig. 2-188) to relieve the
pressure in the compressed air system.
(2) Unscrew the connector securing the air
supply line to the hand control valve (1.2, fig. 2-
188), and remove the line from the valve.
(3) Unscrew the connector securing the trailer
coupling line to the hand control valve (12, fig. 2-
188), and remove the line from the valve.
clamp from the screws securing the hand control
(5) Unscrew the connector securing the upper-
valve to the steering gear jacket, and remove the
to-lower reservoir line to the underside of the upper
valve from the jacket.
reservoir, and remove the line from the reservoir.
( 5 ) Remove the two screws from the hand
(6) Unscrew t h e c o n n e c t o r securing
control valve mounting flange.
reservoir-to-right-rear trailer coupling line (fig. 2-
b. Installation.
197) to the top of
the upper reservoir, and remove
(1) Insert the two screws in the holes in the
the line from the reservoir.
hand control valve mounting flange.
(2) Position the hand control valve on the
(7) Support the lower reservoir, remove the
right side of the steering gear jacket and install the
two nuts from the front and rear U-bolts (fig. 2-
197), remove the U-bolts from the reservoir
the hand control valve mounting flange. Tighten
mounting brackets, and remove the lower reservoir
the screw and nuts.
from the vehicle.
(3) Position the trailer coupling line at the
(8) Support the upper reservoir, remove the
outlet on the underside of the hand control valve
two nuts from the front and rear U-bolts (fig. 2-
197), remove the U-bolts from the reservoir
(4) Position the air supply line at the inlet on
mounting brackets, and remove the reservoir from
the underside of the hand control valve (12, fig. 2-
the vehicle.
188), and tighten the connector securely.
b. Installation.
(5) Close the drain cock on the underside of
the lower air reservoir.
on the mounting bracket bolted to outside of the
frame left side rail.