TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Position the door and lamp unit assembly
(1) Position the flexible line (or tube) on the
in the front of the flood-light body, and insert the
(2) Secure the line with clamps or brackets,
cable terminals under the lamp unit terminal screw
heads. Tighten the terminal screws.
where clamps and brackets are provided.
(3) Insert the lamp unit in the floodlight body,
(3) Tighten all flexible line sleeve nuts.
(4) Pull the tube-fitting sleeve nuts up finger-
aline the door-mounting screw holes, and secure the
tight, then give the nut a one-eighth turn with a
door to the body with the three screws.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the three screws securing the door
to the floodlight body, and pull the door and lamp
unit assembly from the body.
(2) Loosen the two terminal screws on the
back of the lamp unit, remove the two cables from
the terminals, and remove the door and lamp unit
assembly from the floodlight.
(3) Remove the four springs securing the lamp
unit to the door, and remove the lamp unit from the
door. Discard the lamp unit.
b. Installation.
(1) Insert the new lamp unit in the door, and
Figure 2-246. Floodlight mounted on
left side of
shipper support.
secure it with four retaining springs.