TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Maintenance.
2-36. General
Methods Used to Attain Proper
(a) Distributor capacitor (condenser) (fig. 2-
To r e p l a c e
the distributor capacitor,
Essentially, suppression is attained by providing a
disconnect the primary cable at the distributor.
low resistance patch t o g r o u n d f o r t h e s t r a y
currents. The methods used included shielding the
distributor cover and remove the cover and gasket.
ignition and high-frequency wires, grounding the
Discard the gasket. Remove four screws and lock-
frame with bonding straps, and using capacitors
washers holding the primary lead in the receptacle
and resistors.
t o the side of the distributor and remove the
Interference Suppression Components
receptacle and gasket.
the gasket.
Disconnect the capacitor cable or primary cable
the electrical subassemblies of this vehicle by use of
f r o m the resistor terminal, a n d p u l l o u t t h e
shielding, feed-through type capacitors, teeth type
(b) Spark plug cables. Replace spark plug
bond straps.
c a b l e s i f t h e r u b b e r o r metallic shielding is
2-38. Replacement of
Suppression Components
(c) Starter capacitor. R e m o v e t h e c o m -
a. I g n i t i o n a n d S t a r t i n g S y s t e m R a d i o I n -
terference Suppression.
raising clips from the groove in the starter housing
(1) G e n e r a l . T h e h i g h t e n s i o n h a r n e s s
and slide off the cover. Disconnect the capacitor
assemblies and the cable to each spark plug are
c a b l e from the terminal on the brush holder,
i n d i v i d u a l l y shielded utilizing molded rubber-
remove the capacitor-mounting screw, and remove
covered, woven, metallic hose shielding terminated
the capacitor. Position a new capacitor, and install
at all joints with appropriate threaded fittings.
the mounting screw. Connect the cable to the brush
Each spark plug is integrally shielded and sup-
holder terminal through the groove in the starter
p r e s s e d with a 1 0 , 0 0 0 ohm built-in resistor-
frame. Install the commutator end cover.
suppressor. The ignition coil is likewise integrally
shielded and suppressed. The primary connection
at the distributor terminal is equipped with a feed-