TM 9-2320-211-20
a. Starter Switch Test (Gasoline Model) (Fig. 2-
(1) The starter switch is located on top of the
s t a r t e r and is used to ground the starter solenoid
a n d complete the starter circuit.
(2) T O check the starter switch, connect the
n e g a t i v e (--) lead to vehicle ground, and put the
s e l e c t o r on the 50-volt scale.
(3) Connect the positive (+) lead of the
voltmeter to the magnetic side of the starter switch.
The meter should read battery voltage. If the meter
r e a d s battery voltage, the circuit to the switch is
( 4 ) Remove the positive (+) lead and connect
it to the other side of the starter switch. The meter
s h o u l d read no voltage.
(5) Connect the positive (+) lead to the relay
(3) Connect the negative voltmeter lead to the
side of the starter switch and the negative (--) lead
n e g a t i v e post of the grounded battery.
to the ground side of the switch. The meter should
( 4 ) Close the starter motor switch with the
r e a d battery voltage.
i g n i t i o n switch in the OFF position and read the
( 6 ) Close the starter switch with the ignition
switch set to OFF. The meter should read zero
( 5 ) If the voltage reading is below 20 volts,
c h a n g e the selector switch to the 20-volt position
a n d repeat (4) above.
( 6 ) If the voltage reading is below 10 volts,
c h a n g e the selector switch to the 10-volt position
a n d repeat (4) above.
(7) If the voltage reading is below 1 volt,
change the selector switch to the 1-volt position and
repeat (4) above.
(8) The maximum allowable voltage loss is
0 . 1 volt.
( 9 ) Place the voltmeter selector switch in the
OFF position, and remove the voltmeter tester
l e a d s from the frame and battery post.
(1) Move the selector switch to the 50-volt
p o s i t i o n on the tester.
(2) Connect one end of the positive ( + )
v o l t m e t e r lead to the positive (+) terminal of the
tester, and the other end to the postitive (+) post of
t h e grounded battery.
(3) Connect one end of the negative (--)
b. Frame-to-Battery Cable Ground Loss Test.
voltmeter lead to the negative terminal of the tester,
(1) Connect the volmeter leads to the tester.
and the other end to the ungrounded battery
S e l e c t the 50-volt scale.
n e g a t i v e post.
(2) Connect the positive voltmeter lead to the
( 4 ) Close the starter switch with the ignition
s w i t c h in the OFF position. Read the voltmeter.