TM 9-2320-211-20
(4) Connect the heavy negative external shunt
to the negative post of the grounded battery and the
negative lead of the voltmeter with the selector on
t h e 50-volt scale.
(5). Connect positive ( + ) voltmeter lead to the
b a t t e r y plug terminal.
( 6 ) Close the starter motor switch (with the
i g n i t i o n switch in the OFF position) and read the
(7) Starter motor amperage should not exceed
300 amperes, maximum.
(8) Voltage should read not less than 18 volts.
(9) If the starter circuit conforms to the above
tests, remove the test leads and connect the ground
cable to the negative post of the grounded battery.
( 1 0 ) If the starter circuit does not meet the
above requirements, check the circuit using the
s e q u e n c e in c and d b e l o w .
c. Testing Starter Solenoid (Gasoline Model).
(1) Set the voltmeter on the 5 0 - a m p s c a l e .
vehicle battery ground or frame. Connect the
positive (red) lead to the battery side of the
Figure 2-25. Solenoid test hookup.
s o l e n o i d . The meter should read a battery voltage
o f 23 to 26 volts.