TM 9-2320-211-20
(d) Connect the bayonet type connectors on
Tighten the two screws and nuts clamping the
t h e two solenoid cables to the wiring harness
brackets to the projectors.
connectors, and secure the connectors in the clips
(c). Install the elbow in the base of the
on the front of the solenoid.
(d) Position the horn-to-air governor line at
(1) R e m o v a l .
the elbow, and tighten the connector.
(a) R e m o v e t h e t w o b a y o n e t t y p e c o n -
(e) Connect the bayonet-type connectors on
t h e two solenoid cables to the wiring harness
nectors from the clips on the solenoids, and
disconnect both connectors.
connectors, and secure the connectors in the clips
(b) Unscrew the connector securing the
on the left side of the solenoid.
horn-to-air governor line to the elbow at the base of
b. Solenoid (Without Mounting Brackets).
the solenoid, and remove the line from the elbow.
(c) Remove the two safety nuts and screws
(a) R e m o v e t h e t w o b a y o n e t - t y p e c o n -
nectors from the clips on the front of the solenoid,
securing the horn base assembly to the mounting
bracket, and remove the horn from the vehicle.
and disconnect both connectors.
(b) Unscrew the connector securing the
(2) Installation.
horn-to-air governor line to the elbow at the base of
(a) Position the horn base assembly on the
the solenoid, and remove the line from the elbow.
mounting bracket at the right front fender, and
(c) Unscrew the elbow from the base of the
secure it with the two screws and safety nuts.
(b) Position the horn-to-air governor line at
(d) Loosen the locknut on the threaded
the elbow, and tighten the connector.
(c) Connect the bayonet type connectors on
s e c t i o n of the solenoid base, and unscrew the
solenoid from the horn base assembly.
t h e two solenoid cables to the wiring harness
connectors, and secure the connectors in the clips
on the solenoid.
a. Removal.
(1) Disconnect the wires on the turn signal
switch mounted on the steering column.
( 2 ) Unscrew the clamp securing the turn
signal switch to the steering column. Remove the
b. Installation.
(1) Postion the switch to the steering column,
and screw the clamp to secure the switch in place.
( 2 ) Connect the wires to the turn signal
2-170.1 Directional Signal Control
mounting brackets).
a. Removal.
(1) Disconnect the electrical cable connector
(a) Screw the threaded end of the solenoid
underneath the directional control.
into the threaded hole in the horn base assembly,
( 2 ) U n s c r e w a n d d i s c o n n e c t t h e clamp
and tighten the locknut.
securing the signal control to the steering column,
(b) Install the elbow in the base of the
and remove the directional signal control.
b. Installation. Refer to the removal procedure,
(c) Position the horn-to-air governor line at
and reverse the sequence.
the elbow, and tighten the connector.