TM 9-2320-211-20
(b) Rotate the brake drum until inspection
Clearance between the lower end of the
hole is 1 inches above the lower end of the rear
front shoe and the drum is decreased by
brake shoe.
turning the front anchor pin counter-
(c) Insert the feeler gage in the inspection
clockwise, and increased by turning the pin
clockwise. C l e a r a n c e between the upper
tween the brakeshoe and the drum. Clearance
end of the front shoe is increased by turning
s h o u l d be 0.010 inch at this point.
t h e f r o n t shoe adjusting
terclockwise, and is decreased by turning
the cam clockwise.
to prevent them from turning, tighten both anchor
p i n locknuts and check the brakeshoe clearance
and drum.
(d) If the clearance between the shoe and
the drum is incorrect, adjust the clearance as
d e s c r i b e d in (e) a n d (f) b e l o w .
(e) Loosen the rear anchor pin locknut (fig.
2-181) at the back side of the backing plate.
(f) While the locknut, turn the anchor pin
until a 0.010-inch clearance between the shoe and
(m) Position the inspection cover (fig. 2-
t h e drum is obtained. To reduced the clearance,
179), on the brake drum stud, install a lockwasher
t u r n the anchor pin clockwise. To increase the
and nut on the stud, and tighten the nut.
clearance, t u r n the anchor pin counterclockwise.
b. Removal.
(g) Rotate the brake drum until the in-
(1) Remove the capscrew securing the clutch
spection hole is 1 inches below the upper end of
the rear brakeshoe. Insert the feeler gage in the
the pedal assembly from the shaft.
inspection hole to determine the clearance between
the brakeshoe and the drum. Clearance should be
0 . 0 2 0 inch at this point.
(h) If the clearance between the shoe and
t h e d r u m i s i n c o r r e c t adjust the clearance as
d e s c r i b e d in (i) and (j) b e l o w .
(i) Turn the rear shoe
adjusting cam (fig. 2-
178) until the clearance between the shoe and the
drum, measured by feeler gage, is 0.020 inch. To
the cam
t h e c l e a r a n c e , turn
terclockwise. To increase the clearance, turn the
cam clockwise.
(j) Recheck to be sure that a 0.010 inch
clearance is maintained at the lower end of the rear
(k) Adjust the clearance between the lower
and the upper ends of the front brakeshoe and the
drum ( (b) through (i) above).
to vehicle.