TM 9-2320-211-20
(1) (d) above, and the jumper wire to the switch
terminals from which they were removed.
(b) Attach the switch to the switch box with
the two panhead tapping screws.
(c) Attach the cover plate to the switch with
the three ovalhead machine screws.
a. Removal.
(1) See that the main power switch is in the
OFF position.
(2) Remove the two screws attaching the cover
plate to the switch, and remove the cover plate.
( 3 ) Remove the two screws attaching the
switch to the switch box, and separate the switch
from the box.
(4) Disconnect the two electrical wires from
t h e switch terminals. Note the location of the
connections, and mark them for later installation.
b. Installation.
(1) Connect the electrical wires, marked in
a (4) above, to the switch terminals from which
they were removed.
(2) Attach the switch to the switch box with
two panhead tapping screws.
(3) Attach the cover plate to the switch with
(2) Installation.
two ovalhead machine screws.
(a) Connect the electrical wires, marked in
M62, M246, M246A1, AND M246A2
2-280. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings
a. The M62 and M246 wrecker crane models are
a. Removal.
hydraulically-operated units powered by the
vehicle's engine. A n extendable boom on both
Before disconnecting any hydraulic line,
models is capable of 360
place an identification tag on the line and
approximately 45 elevation.
its corresponding part to prevent incorrect
b. Each of the crane's functions is dependent
installation of the line and corresponding
upon hydraulic components. Control of the crane is
accomplished by a control valve bank consisting of
(1) Unscrew the sleeve nut at both ends of the
four, two-way hydrualic valves bolted together to
flexible line or tube.
form a single unit. Each valve controls one of the
(2) Remove the clamps or brackets securing
crane's four functions, such as lifting or lowering
the line (or tube) to the crane (where used).
the boom, winding or unwinding the hoist drum,
(3) Remove the line (or tube) from the vehicle.
extending or retracting the boom, and swinging the
b. Installation.
boom left or right.
When installing new tubes and fittings.
The M62 crane operational controls are
never tighten them over two turns after the
cab enclosed, whereas the M246 crane has
sleeve has shouldered in the body of the
an open-top cab.