TM 9-2320-211-20
(4) Remove the safety nut securing the lower
b. Rear Springs. Semielliptic, leaf type
shock absorber mounting eye to the stud at the
clamp p l a t e . Remove the washer, two rubber
the vehicle. Two U bolts secure the spring assembly
bushings, and the mounting eye from the stud.
to the spring seat. B o t h ends of each spring
assembly slide freely in guide brackets bolted to the
from the two U bolts at the underside of the clamp
two rear axles. Spring leaves are held together by a
plate, and remove the clamp plate, two U bolts, and
bolt through the center of each leaf. Four clips
the U bolt saddle.
hold the leaves in constant alinement.
(6) Lift the spring off the spring seat and
c. Shock Absorbers. Two
remove it from the vehicle. Remove the spring seat
from the axle.
mounted to the front of the vehicle. The upper end
(7) If necessary, loosen the safety nut on the
is secured to the frame side rail by a mounting
capscrew at the bottom of the front rear hanger.
bracket. The lower end is secured to the spring
(8) Drive the pin out of the top of the shackle,
clamp plate. Four rubber bushings (two to each
and remove the shackle. If necessary, remove the
eye) are installed in the upper and lower ends of the
bushing from the shackle eye.
shock absorber.
b. Installation.
(1) If removed, replace the bushing in the
a. Removal.
shackle eye.
(2) Position the shackle to the hanger, and
raise the frame to remove the load from the springs.
drive the pin through the shackle and hanger.
(2) Loosen the safety nut on the capscrew at
Tighten the safety nut on the capscrew securing the
the bottom of the front spring hanger. Drive the pin
shackle to the hanger.
from the hanger and the front spring eye. Remove
(3) Place the spring seat on top of the front
the spring from the front hanger.
axle. Position the front spring on top of the seat so
(3) Loosen the safety nut on the capscrew at
that the lower end of the spring center bolt enters
the bottom of the spring shackle. Drive the pin
the hole in the center of the seat.
from the shackle and rear spring eye. Remove the
spring from the shackle.