TM 9-2320-211-20
even, uniform progress and on the other hand by
the distance recorded on the chart. Otherwise
speed of travel. The closer the maximum speed is to
either the entries have been falsified or the in-
average speed, the more uniform and econmnical is
strument has been left open.
the manner of driving. High, needle-shaped speed
e. Data on Economy and Manner of Driving.
peaks should be avoided as far as possible. They
(1) G e n e r a l . P r a c t i c a l e x p e r i e n c e a n d e x -
prove that the vehicle has been accelerated un-
periments prove that a vehicle operator has con-
necessarily only to be braked again almost at once.
siderable influence on economical operation of his
This is proof of bad driving and often the reason
vehicle. The diagram chart clearly shows when the
why the vehicle has a shorter useful life. When
manner of driving is good or when it is poor and
requires improvement. The diagrams are evaluated
traffic conditions, and vehicle size must be taken
without any special aids simply by examining the
into account.
speed r e c o r d i n g s o r engine rpm recordings.
(2) Economy and driving manner expressed
Evaluation requires very little time and should take
in speed chart.
place daily. Put to one side any charts which are not
immediately clear and examine them later. The
and bad driving charts,
quality of driving is determined on one hand by