C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
2-240. Cargo Body-M41, M54, M54A1,
(a) If the seats were removed with the side cargo
M54A1C, M54A2. M55, M55A1, and M55A2.
racks, position the stakes into the sockets and push the
a. Troop Seats.
rack down.
(1) Removal.
(b) To install the seats only, position the seats on the
side rack hinge pin and the cotter pin to the six hinges on
each seat. Fold the seat up against the rack, and fasten it
in place with the seat latches.
Seats are removed with or without side cargo
and installation procedures.
(a) To remove the seats with side cargo racks, lift
removal and installation procedures.
them straight up to free the stake ends from the sockets at
the side of the body.
and installation procedures.
(b) To remove troop seats only, remove the cotter
pins and hinge pins from the six hinges securing each seat
to the rack stakes. Release the seat latches, disengage the
hinges, and remove the seats.
(2) Installation.
Seats are installed with or without side cargo