TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Remove the nut, lockwasher, flat washer,
and capscrew s e c u r i n g the tube clamp to the
( 3 ) P u l l t h e b r e a t h e r t u b e a n d clamp
assembly from the engine.
b. Installation.
(1) Position the breather tube and clamp
assembly. Tighten the tube-to-hose clamp.
(2) Secure the tube clamp to the bracket with
the capscrew, flat washer, lockwasher, and nut.
2-61. Clutch Controls and Linkage
repair, and installation procedures.
(6) Remove the air cleaner body from the dry
cleaning solvent and let it drip dry.
Fuel system components discussed in this section
(7) Install the air cleaner body (9). Refer to
include an oil-bath type air cleaner, a down draft
step c below for installation procedure.
type dual concentric carburetor (with an integral
(8) Position the oil cup and retaining clamp on
engine speed governor), an element type fuel filter,
the air cleaner body and tighten the clamp thumb
a fuel tank (some models have a dual tank
screw (8).
arrangement) with connecting lines and fittings,
and a governor valve. In addition, an anti-dieseling
(1) Loosen the retaining clamp thumbscrew
v a l v e (or degasser) is c o n t r o l l e d from the in-
(8) and remove the oil cup (7).
strument panel. This valve is mounted either on the
(2) Loosen the hose clamp securing the air
intake manifold (early models) or carburetor (late
c l e a n e r - t o - c a r b u r e t o r inlet hose (10) to the air
cleaner outlet sleeve, and remove the hose.
(3) Loosen the hose clamp at the upper end of
the air cleaner-to-air compressor intake line (11),
The key numbers in parentheses are for
and remove the line from the air cleaner outlet tube
( v e h i c l e s equipped with air cleaner-to-air com-
a. Maintenance.
pressor intake line hose only).
(1) Support the oil cup (7) and loosen the
(4) Loosen the hose clamp at the upper end of
thumb screw (8) to remove the oil cup from the
the air cleaner outlet hose, and remove it from the
retaining clamp.
air cleaner outlet tube.
(2) Pour the old oil from the cup, and clean the
Unscrew t h r e e c o n n e c t o r s f r o m t h e
coupling and elbow assembly at the left side of the
(3) Fill the oil cup with clean oil to correct
air cleaner body, and disconnect the three vent
(4) Remove the air cleaner body (9) from the
(6) Remove the two screws and nuts; one each
cab cowl. Refer to step b below for the removal
from the upper and lower air cleaner mounting
bands (13). Spread the bands to permit removal of
(5) Submerge the air cleaner body in the dry
the cleaner body (9), and remove the cleaner body
cleaning solvent, and rapidly move the cleaner body
from the cab cowl.
up and down in solvent to clean the filter mesh
inside the cleaner body.