C3, TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Raise the front axle enough to take the weight of
the vehicle off the front wheel.
the amount by which the wheels are
Toe-in is
(3) Remove the cotter pin and nut from the stud at
closer together at the front than at the rear
each end of the tie rod.
when the wheels are in the straightahead
(4) Remove the tie rod end studs from the left and
position. Camber causes both wheels to have
right steering knuckle arms. Remove the tie rod
a tendancy to run outward from the truck.
Toe-in counteracts this tendency and causes
the wheels to roll straightahead with no
scuffing action.
(1) Inflate the tires to the correct pressure, and place
the truck on a smooth, level surface with the wheels in a
straightahead position.
(2) Place the gage between the wheels ahead of the
axle, with the ends of the gage bearing against the tire side
walls and with both pendant chains just touching the
(3) Set the gage so the pointer registers zero.
Remove the gage and place it at the same relative position
at the rear of the axle with the ends of gage bearing
against the tire side walls and with both pendant chains
just touching the ground.
(4) The pointer will indicate the amount of toe-out.
Correct toe-in is 1/8 1/16 inch.
e. Toe-in Adjustment.
(1) Remove the tack weld from the tie rod ends if the
weld is evident.
(2) Loosen the two locking bolts on each tie rod end.
(3) Shorten or lengthen the tie rod by turning the tie
assembly removed.
rod with a pipe wrench.
(4) After adjusting, again check the toe-in.
(5) When the adjustment is correct, tighten the
locking bolts.
(1) Insert the tie rod end studs in the steering
knuckle arm holes.
(2) Install two slotted nuts, one on each stud, and
torque nuts 140 to 180 lb-ft for all models with exception
Do not tack weld the ends of the tie rod.
of M39, M39A2 chassis, M41 and M41A2 cargo trucks.
(3) Install cotter pins to the slotted end nuts. Lower
(4) Lubricate the rod in accordance with L0 9-2320-
bent steering knuckle, a bent axle housing, or
a. Removal.
a bent tie rod will affect toe-in.
(1) With the vehicle on a level surface, apply the
the steering wheel to the upper end of the steering shaft.