C1, TM 9-2320-211-20
into slot in upper mounting bracket.
the front end of the motor shaft. Secure the arm and blade
(2) Install nut and lockwasher on upper and lower
assembly shaft, and tighten the nut.
mounting stud. Adjust mirror and tighten nuts.
(1) Remove one screw securing mirror arm to bracket
(1) Remove nut and lockwasher securing mirror to
on cab cowl.
lower mounting bracket.
(2) Loosen nut securing mirror to upper mounting
(2) Remove cab door upper hinge pivot bolt and
remove mirror upper arm from hinge. Reinstall upper hinge
pivot bolt. Repeat same procedure for mirror lower arm.
(3) Slide top of mirror out of slot in upper mounting
bracket. Lift mirror to remove from lower mounting
(1) Remove cab door upper hinge pivot bolt and
reinstall with pivot bolt through mirror upper arm. Repeat
same procedure for mirror lower arm.
(1) Position mirror lower mounting stud into hole in
(2) Position forward mirror arm on bracket attached
lower mounting bracket. Slide mirror upper mounting stud
to cab cowl and secure with screw and nut.