TM 9-2320-211-20
divider to the NEUTRAL position. This can be felt
due to a poppet ball inside the power divider falling
into the first groove on the shifter shaft. This
movement of the shifter shaft from the UNWIND
to the NEUTRAL position is approximately 1 3/8
If the linkage is so far out of adjustment
t h a t the correct adjustment cannot be
obtained by following the procedures, ( a )
through (d) above, m a k e an additional
adjustment at the yoke connecting the rear
control rod to the lower end of the winch
shift lever.
(e) L o o s e n t h e l o c k n u t o n t h e f o r w a r d
control rod, and turn the yoke on the control rod as
necessary until the yoke can be connected to the
Turning the yoke clockwise on the push rod
shifter shaft arm without movement of the shifter
increases the distance between the sheaves
(when the cable tensioner control valve
(f) Tighten the locknut on the forward
lever is in the ON position). Turning the
control rod.
y o k e counterclockwise on the push rod
(g) Position the control rod yoke over the
decreases the distance between the sheaves.
shifter shaft arm, install the yoke pin through the
yoke and arm, and install a cotter pin in the end of
(i) Position the push rod yoke on the lower
end of the tension sheave adjusting-frame lever, and
the yoke pin.
install the yoke pin through the yoke and lever.
Install the cotter pin in the end of the yoke pin.
When proper adjustments have been made,
(j) Insert the 5/8-inch diameter rod between
movement of the rear winch shift lever
the sheaves, and move the control valve lever to the
from NEUTRAL to UNWIND is three-
ON position.
quarters of an inch. Movement of the lever
(k) The sheaves should just close on the
from NEUTRAL to WIND is 1 3/8 inches.
rod. If necessary, repeat (a) through (e) above until
the correct adjustment is obtained.
(1) Move the control valve lever to the OFF
p o s i t i o n , and measure the maximum opening
between the sheaves. The opening should be at least
13 / 16-inch, to permit the -inch cable to pass
freely between the sheaves when unwinding the
(m) Stop the engine.
(n) Pass the cable between the tension
sheaves (1, fig. 268) and between the upper and
lower guide rollers.
(o) Install the chain and hook assembly on
the winch cable.
(3) Control linkage.
(a) Move the rear winch shift lever to the
NEUTRAL position. Lock the lever in this position
by means of the lock hinge attached to the floor
(b) Remove the cotter pin and yoke pin
securing the front control rod yoke to the winch
of M62 wrecker.
output shifter shaft arm, and remove the control
b. Removal.
yoke pin securing the air chamber push rod yoke to
(c) Pushing on the shifter shaft arm, push
the shifter shaft into the power divider as far as it
the lower end of the tension sheave adjusting-frame
lever. Remove the yoke from the lever.
will go.
(2) Remove the two capscrews and safety nuts
(d) Pull the shifter shaft out of the power