TM 9-2320-211-20
support brackets on each side by a tinned copper
b. Generator System Radio Interference Sup-
braid bond strap and plated, teeth type lock-
(c) The engine cylinder head bonded to the
is bonded to the engine with plated, toothed lock-
firewall in a similar manner.
washers. The generator itself is bonded to its
(d) The transmission bonded to the frame
m o u n t i n g bracket in similar manner, and is in-
sidemember by a tinned copper braid bond strap
t e g r a l l y shielded and suppressed. The armature
and field lead from the generator to the regulator is
i n c l o s e d in rubber-covered flexible metallic hose
2-39. Test for Radio Interference
and terminated at each end, utilizing appropriate
t h r e a d e d fittings. The generator regulator is in-
suppression system may be tested as follows:
tegrally shielded and suppressed, and its mounting
a. Position a radio-equipped vehicle within 25
is bonded to the firewall of the vehicle with plated,
feet of the truck to be tested. Shut off its engine and
t u r n on its radio equipment for maximum sen-
(2) Maintenance.
(a) Generator capacitor. Since generator
b.Turn on the radio equipment in the test truck,
capacitor replacement
if so equipped.
d i s a s s e m b l y , the capacitor will not be removed
c. Start the truck engine and turn on all auxiliary
w h i l e the generator is mounted on the vehicle.
e q u i p m e n t . No increase in background noise in
Notify supporting maintenance personnel.
either the truck equipment or the nearby vehicle
should be heard.
Generator-regulator capacitor replacement requires
d. If noise is heard in either radio equipment,
regulator disassembly; therefore, the capacitor will
turn off or disconnect the electrical generating or
not be removed while the regulator is mounted on
operating components one at a time until the noise
t h e vehicle. Notify supporting maintenance per-
e . When a component is found which causes
interference, c h e c k i t c a r e f u l l y f o r l o o s e c o n -
(1) General. Bond straps are used to unite all
nections, secure mountings, missing tooth washers,
parts and thereby form a shield about the entire
or damaged or broken metal housing.
f. If the interference cannot be eliminated with
(2) Description and data. The following is a
thorough cleaning and minor repairs, replace the
list of locations of the bonding straps surrounding
g. If radio interference still is present, repeat
(a) The upper brush guard support brackets
operation d above. More than one component may
bonded to each fender by a tinned copper braid
be causing interference.
(b) T h e r a d i a t o r b o n d e d t o t h e e n g i n e
must be removed from operation as soon as possible
f o r proper repairs. Additional field repairs are
Organizational maintenance troubles may occur
noted in TM 9-2320-211-10.
while the vehicle is operating in the field where
s u p p l i e s and repair parts are not available for
normal corrective action. The following expedient
Once the trouble is isolated, refer to Table 2-5 to
repairs may be made in emergencies, but vehicles
find a possible expedient repair.