TM 9-2320-211-20
(3) Remove the self-locking nut securing
b. Installation.
lock handle shank in the lock.
(1) Slide the lock bolt retainer onto the lock
bolt with the plate toward the end of the bolt.
( 4 ) Remove the four nuts and lockwasher
attaching the lock to the van body, and remove the
(2) Position the lock on the lock handle shank
and four corner studs.
b. Installation.
(3) Slide the lock bolt retainer into position
(1) Position the lock on the lock handle shank
against the inside of the door frame, and attach it
and four corner studs, and attach it to the van body
with two panhead tapping screws inserted from the
outer edge of the door frame.
(2) Secure the lock handle shank to the lock
(4) Attach the lock to the van body with four
with a washer and a self-locking nut.
(3) Aline the holes in the clevises with the
(5) Secure the lock handle shank to the lock
holes in the lock arms, and insert the clevis pins.
with a washer and a self-locking nut.
Secure the clevis pins with cotter pins. Replace the
(6) Aline the holes in the clevises with the
insulating material previously removed.
holes in the lock arms, and insert the clevis pins.
(4) Attach the lock cover plate to the panel
Secure the clevis pins with cotter pins. Replace the
with eight panhead screws.
insulating material previously removed.
(7) Attach the lock cover plate to the panel
with eight panhead screws.
a. Right Rear and Side Door Locks.
(1) R e m o v a l .
Hinged Locks
(a) R e m o v e t h e c o t t e r p i n h o l d i n g t h e
vertical bar to the lockpin.
a. Removal.
(b) R e m o v e t h e f o u r a t t a c h i n g s c r e w s
(1) Remove the eight screws attaching the
which attach the lock to the door, and remove the
lock cover plate to the panel, and remove the cover
plate. Remove the insulating material from the lock
(2) Installation.
(a Aline the holes in the lock and door.
(2) Remove the cotter pins from the clevis
Attach the lock with four panhead tapping screws.
pins, remove the clevis pins, and separate the clevis
(b) Place the hole in the vertical bar over
from the lock.
the lockpin. Secure it with a cotter pin.