TM 9-2320-211-20
b. Installation.
(2) Remove the two breather tubes attached
(1) Install breather valves.
to the valves.
(2) Install breather tubes to valves.
(3) Remove the valves.
(3) Install link swivels, screws, flat washers,
and cotter pins.
2-55. Clutch
Controls and Linkage
repair, and installation procedures.
The multifuel engine is a 6-cylinder, in-line, liquid-
cooled, 4-cycle, compression-ignited engine
designed to operate on a variety of fuels, including
diesel fuel, compression ignition fuel, low grade
g a s o l i n e , and regular grade gasoline without
modification or adjustment. Mixing of fuels is
permissible in this engine.
The two oil filter elements are identical and
are replaced in the same manner; in the
following procedure, only the rear filter
element is replaced.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the pipe plug and drain the oil
If the vehicle has not been running for 15
minutes, it is not necessary to drain the