TM 9-2320-211-20
Cooling system components include a fin and tube
type core radiator, a six-bladed fan with pulley and
drive belts, two metal bellows type thermostats, and
hoses, lines, and fittings required to connect the
cooling system components to the engine and air
c o m p r e s s o r . The multifuel models have a single
thermostat mounted inside their housing, and the
various hose lines, tubes, and fittings (including an
o i l cooler water inlet tube) to circulate coolant
throughout the cooling system.
Refer to TM 9-2320-211-10 for draining, cleaning,
neutralizing, and flushing the cooling system.
a. R e m o v a l .
radiator--multifuel models.
(1) Drain the cooling system. Refer to TM 9-
(4) Loosen the front clamp on the inlet hose
(5) Loosen the front clamp on the outlet hose
(3) Loosen the nut at the front end of the stay
on the lower right side.
rod (fig. 2 - 1 2 3 ) . Pull the stay rod front end up-
ward, and remove the rod from the bracket. On
Access to the outlet hose is available
multifuel models, remove the nuts and washers at
through the door in the fender panel on
multifuel models.
(6) Loosen, the two nuts and bolts securing
the radiator upper shield. Pull the upper shield (fig.
2-123) forward, and remove it
from the brackets.
(7) Loosen the bolt at the top left side of the
frame strap from the crossmember. On multifuel
models, remove the ground strap from the radiator
( 8 ) Remove the two mounting nuts (fig. 2-
125), washers, and springs (rubber mounts take the
p l a c e of springs on m u l t i f u e l models) from the
underside of the engine front mounting support.