TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Remove the two nuts and bolts securing
the bracket to the exhaust pipe, and remove the
The exhaust system consists of a three-piece (front,
center, and rear) pipe assembly connected together.
This exhaust pipe assembly is secured to the vehicle
frame by brackets at three locations. Vertical
exhaust stack kits are installed on multifuel models.
a. R e m o v a l .
(1) On diesel models remove the nut and bolt
securing the clamp around the flange of the front
m u l t i f u e l models, remove the three safety nuts,
Iockwashers, and screws securing the exhaust pipe
f l a n g e to the exhaust elbow and bracket (fig. 2-
(3) Remove the four safety nuts and bolts
s e c u r i n g the flange of the front exhaust pipe to the
flange of the center exhaust pipe, and remove the
--diesel models.
b. Installation.
(1) Using a new gasket, position the front
exhaust pipe to the center exhaust pipe, and secure
it with four nuts and bolts.
(2) Position the
bracket to the exhaust pipe.
and secure it with two nuts and bolts.
( 3 ) S e c u r e t h e f r o n t e x h a u s t p i p e to the
exhaust elbow. On diesel models install the clamp,
and secure it with a nut and bolt. On multifuel
models secure it with three safety nuts and lock-