TM 9-2320-211-20
(d) Position the coil lead and capacitor lead
It is important that the gap between the
at the stationary contact bracket terminal. Secure
points is 0.022 inch. If the gap requires
these two wires with a screw and nut while holding
adjustment, loosen the stationary bracket
the breaker lever spring down so that the spring
n o t c h makes a good contact with the terminal
screw, and turn the adjusting screw until
the correct gap is obtained. Tighten the
stationary bracket screw.
(e) After the points have been adjusted,
tighten the stationary contact bracket screw.
(a) Remove the nut and screw securing the
(f) Place a couple of drops of engine oil on
two leads at the stationary contact bracket ter-
the felt wick at the center of the cam assembly.
(g) Place just a trace of general purpose
(b) Lift the moveable contact point breaker
grease on the cam lobe.
lever off the pivot pin.
(c) R e m o v e t h e s c r e w s e c u r i n g t h e
(1) R e m o v a l .
stationary contact point bracket. Pull the bracket
(a) Disconnect the three leads from the
off the pivot pin.
ignition coil.
(d Remove the mounting screw securing the
(b) Remove the four screws securing the
coil retaining plate to the housing, and lift out the
(c) Lift out the ignition coil, and discard the
nonmetallic washer.
(2) Installation.
(a) Place a new washer in the recess in the
distributor housing, and install the coil in housing.
The coil must be positioned so that the (+)
terminal is near the resistor.
(b) I n s t a l l , t h e h o l d d o w n b r a c k e t , a n d
secure it with four screws.
(c) Connect the resistor lead and the coil
capacitor lead to the positive (+) terminal on the
ignition coil.
(d) C o n n e c t t h e l e a d f r o m t h e c o n t a c t
support to the ignition coil negative (--) terminal.
f. Resistor (fig. 2 - 1 4 9 ) .
(1) R e m o v a l .
(a) Disconnect the primary lead to the
resistor and the resistor lead to the positive (+)
terminal on the ignition coil.
(b) R e m o v e t h e t w o s c r e w s a n d l o c k -
washers securing the resistor to the housing, and lift
it out.
(2) Installation.
(a) Position the resistor, and secure it with
(b) Connect the resistor lead positive (+)
terminal on the ignition coil.
Do not overlubricate. Lubricant must not
(c) Connect the primary lead to the resistor.
get on contact points.
(a) P o s i t i o n a n e w s t a t i o n a r y c o n t a c t
(1) Removal.
bracket on the pivot pin, and secure the bracket
(a) Disconnect the coil capacitor lead from
with a screw. Do not completely tighten the screw.
the positive (+) terminal on the ignition coil.
(b) Place a drop of engine oil on the pivot
(b) Remove the coil capacitor clamp screw
pin. Position the moveable point breaker lever
and lockwasher and lift out the coil capacitor.
spring on the stationary bracket lug side toward the
(2) Installation.
cam assembly.
(a) Position the coil capacitor housing and
mounting screw.