TM 9-2320-211-20
2-189. Service Brake Pedal and Linkage
at one wheel.
a. Adjustments.
(c) Turn the rear shoe adjusting cam (fig. 2-
178) on
the back side of
the backing plate coun-
terclockwise until, the brake drags slightly when
Brake Pedal free travel must be between
the wheel is turned by hand.
and inch. Excessive free travel reduces
the master cylinder piston stroke. If free
t r a v e l is to short, the brakes will drag
after several application.
(1) Free travel adjustment.
the push rod yoke to the pedal lever.
(d) Turn the adjusting cam clockwise just
enough to allow the wheel to rotate freely.
(e) Turn
the front shoe adjusting cam (fig.
when the wheel is turned by hand.
(f) T u r n t h e a d j u s t i n g c a m c o u n -
(b) Hold the push rod to prevent it from
t e r c l o c k w i s e just enough to allow the wheel to
turning, and loosen the locknut on the yoke (fig. 2-
rotate freely. Make the adjustment of both cams as
uniform as possible.
(c) Holding the push rod, turn the yoke
(g) Lower the wheel, and repeat the above
until the desired brake pedal free travel is obtained
procedures at each remaining wheel.
(3) Major Adjustment.
(a) W i t h t h e w h e e l a n d t i r e assembly
To increase free travel, turn the yoke
removed, remove the nut and lockwasher from the
clockwise. TO decrease free travel, turn the
yoke counterclockwise.
t h e brakedrum. Remove the cover.
(d) Position the push rod yoke on the pedal
(e) Check the brake pedal free travel. If
n e c e s s a r y , repeat (a), (b), (c) and (d) above until
the correct free travel is obtained.
(f) T i g h t e n t h e l o c k n u t o n t h e p u s h r o d
y o k e , holding the push rod to prevent it from
(2) Minor adjustment.
(a) To compensate for normal lining wear,
adjust the service brakes when the break p e d a l p a d
travel is within 2 inches of the cab floor board with
t h e brake petal in t h e a p p l i e d p o s i t i o n .
full to within
cylinder must be
one-half inch of the top and the air
p r e s s u r e above 65 PSI.
and drum assembly.